
What a jam packed week this has been!

On Tuesday we went to the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. We had two challenges to complete after our visit with Mary Queen of Scots. She was very impressed with how much we knew about her life!

On Thursday we walked to Bathgate academy to see the P6’s show called ‘Alice’. What a fantastic show. We walked back just in time for lunch and then had our own dress rehearsal for our asembly!

Today was our assembly and Mrs Ghafoor was very proud of us as we did a fantastic job! We had lots of fun and then also got a chance to see our parents afterwards. Our assembly was on Mary Queenof Scots.

Some of our comments about our assembly:

My favourite part was telling people what to do (as a queen)- Emma C

My favourite part was getting my head chopped off! – Ava

I was a prompter. My job was to tell people when to go on stage – Abby C

It is so, so fun with the class – Adam.

My favourite part was when my mummy came to watch me – Taylor

My favourite part was ‘Rizzio’ getting murdered because it looked real – Erin H

Good job P4a!

One thought on “P4a”

  1. Hi Primary 4a,

    What a very busy week you have all had. The costumes and set for your assembly today were very good and you had put a lot of thought into them. I’m pleased that you enjoyed your visit to the Museum of Scotland and Bathgate Academy to see the P6 show, ‘Alice’. The Primary 6’s put alot of work into their show so they will be pleased that you enjoyed it.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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