Class 3: Dinner time on the Titanic

This week we have been finding out about meal times onboard the Titanic. We found photographs of the dining rooms on the internet. Some of the great words we thought of to describe the First Class Dining Room were ‘majestic’, ‘very posh’, ‘perfect’ and ‘cool’!

We looked at some of the menus from Titanic’s voyage. We discovered that Third Class passengers had good food with lots of fruit and fresh bread. —Second Class passengers had 3 courses and lots of choice. —First Class diners had amazing 11 course meals!

We have decided to recreate a meal time from the Titanic. We started our preparations this week by making some ‘asparagus’ out of salt dough. This will be made into ‘Asparagus Salad with Champagne-Saffron Vinaigrette’, part of the last meal that First Class passengers had before the iceberg was struck.

Our asparagus (we still have to paint it green!).

We also made some plates for our Titanic dinner, decorated to a very high standard just like the originals.

Geordie would like to share with you how to make salt dough. It’s great fun to prepare and you can make all sorts of models from it.

Ingredients – 1/2 cup of salt, 1 cup of plain flour, 1/2 cup of luke warm water.

1) Put the salt into a cup.

2) Put flour into a cup.

3) Put the flour and the salt into a bowl

4) Put a little bit of the water into the bowl and stir it in.

5) Add more water bit by bit and keep stirring. Do not put too much water in or you might have to start again.

6) The mixture is finished when it is soft and doughy like play dough.

You can mould it into the shape you want then dry it out by baking it in the oven or cooking it in the microwave.

Geordie adds “I hope you have a good play with it”.

What we thought about this week’s topic work:

Josh thought the Titanic pictures were ‘amazing’ and said he really liked making the plates and the salt dough vegetables.

Nathan enjoyed playing with the flour best of all, he loved the feel of it on his hands :).

One thought on “Class 3: Dinner time on the Titanic”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    What a fun way to learn all about the a Titanic and the meals the passengers would have had. I don’t think it could eat 11 courses! They must have been very full after all of that food. I love your describing words for the First Class Dining Room. Keep having fun:)

    Miss Henderson

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