What went well in P4l this week

Hello everyone

This week our blog is coming from our Review Jotters, we thought about what went well and why.  Here are some of our comments.

l was good at maths because l am getting the hang of the times tables. Kelsey

In PE l was good at Don’t Fall in the Water because my team mates helped me. Josh

I think my writing went well because l didn’t put a capital letter in the middle of a sentence. Jamie N

I think my reading went well because l have been practising. Dave

My writing went well because l can change a boring sentence into an exciting one. Sasha

I think my spelling went well because l have been practising. Mhairi

My maths went well as l have learned how times by big numbers like 100 and 1000. Lily

This week l think my maths went well because l learned my 4 times table and l am really remembering it and they are really easy. Lucy

Please remember to look through your books to see if you have any spare for the book swap on Thursday.

Have a good weekend.


One thought on “What went well in P4l this week”

  1. Hi Primary 4l,

    Well done everyone on a very successful learning week in class. It is great to see all of your comments about what you have done well this week. Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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