Primary 2/1’s Magic Key!

This week Primary 2/1 received an interesting postcard which took them on a treasure hunt…

“Miss Henderson brought a card and it was a mystery. We had to follow the clues and it said where do you measure? I said there was a giraffe and that’s where I found the second card.” -Rowan
“We went to Mrs White’s office and there we found the next clue!” – Tom
“Then we went up to Miss Henderson’s office and we found the other clue and it had a note in it and the special key.” -Mya
“The key is a magic key” -Abbie
“I loved the tresure hunt.” – Kelsey
“It was really good fun!” – Charlie
“It was fun!” – Holly

We don’t know who sent the key or what it will open.  Some of the girls and boys think the key might have come from a king, a giant, a dragon or even an alien!  It’s a mystery.  We know that the next clue will arrive next Monday.  Sam worked out that’s “5 more sleeps.”  We can’t wait!

2 thoughts on “Primary 2/1’s Magic Key!”

  1. P2/1, you were all very excited about the mystery key when I visited your class on Wednesday. You’ll need to let me know what you find out on Monday as I’m also very interested to find it where it came from and what it does!

  2. Hi Primary 2/1b,

    I really was very excited about the mystery postcard which I delivered to your class last week and what it might lead you to. I’m amazed that the envelope was in my room and I didn’t even notice! I am really looking forward to finding out who the key is from and what the next clue will lead you to. It is all very exciting.

    Have fun!

    Miss Henderson

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