Category Archives: Uncategorized

Positive Behaviour Policy

As you will be aware we updated our Positive Behaviour Policy for the pupils returning in August.  We would now like to gather feedback from parents, pupils and teachers on how effective these changes have been.

Please complete the following survey monkey using the link below.  We would like all responses by Friday the 21st of October.

Parents Behaviour System Questionnaire Survey

Web survey powered by Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey’s expert certified FREE templates.

Kind Regards,

Shirley Gallivan

Depute Head Teacher

Dunblane Primary School

Our New Pupil Friendly Kitchen

Dunblane Primary School are very excited to announce that our new school kitchen will be launched to all pupil week beginning the 24th of October.  Pupils will use the kitchen to develop a range of transferable skills.  We would like to say a huge thank you to the Dunblane Tesco’s who have helped us by provided a huge range of resources for the children to use.

A parents leaflet with more information will be given out soon.

Our Kitchen launch dscf2030 dscf2028


New online payment service – ParentPay

We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as lunch money, school trips and uniform. Using a secure website called ParentPay you will be able to pay online using your credit or debit card.  ParentPay will be our preferred method of making payments to school.

Activation letters will be distributed prior to the October break. Should you wish to view the ParentPay website ahead of the launch please click on the link provided



New online payment service – ParentPay

We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as lunch money, school trips and uniform. Using a secure website called ParentPay you will be able to pay online using your credit or debit card.  ParentPay will be our preferred method of making payments to school.

Activation letters will be distributed prior to the October break. Should you wish to view the ParentPay website ahead of the launch please click on the link provided

Traffic Survey Monkey

Traffic Survey Monkey

Thank you to everyone who completed the traffic related survey monkey.  Attached is the results of the survey. 534 people completed the survey 196 of which were Dunblane Primary School children.

Following a discussion at the High School and a further discussion with parents at Dunblane Primary School the following decisions were made –
• A clear priority highlighted throughout the survey is to reduce congestion on Old Doune Road in order to promote pedestrian safety.   Safe places for children to cross are required.  Those proposed would be –
• A zebra crossing on the Old Doune Road between Braemar and Wallace Road
• A zebra crossing at the chicanes on Wallace Road.
• A drop off zone at the grass area on Wallace Road would be useful with a 15 minute parking zone for parents walking younger children to school.
• A roundabout on Wallace Road at either Anchorscross or Coldstream Avenue. This would allow traffic to turn and reduce the traffic on the Old Doune Road.
• An additional zebra crossing on the Doune Road, coming from Tesco’s, past the entrance to Old Doune Road.
• A zebra crossing at the chicanes at the top of the Old Doune Road, closest to the High School.
Discussions with Stirling Council are continuing to achieve these new pedestrian crossings

• A leaflet will be created by pupils from all cluster schools to promote various suggested informal drop-off points to DHS parents.   The suggested drop off points proposed would be –
• Aygyle Way circuit
• Wallace Road Circuit
• Tesco’s
• The Haining.
• Grant Drive.

• As a result of feedback from the survey the traffic group will also investigate the bus provision for DHS with a view to improving this service if possible.

Nursery Cake Off

cake poster

Just a little reminder that our first ever CAKE OFF is taking place THIS WEEK (17th June!!!) We would love to encourage as many as possible to take part by baking an entry and donating £5 to the nursery….We have been hunting out prizes and I have to say we have some REALLY good ones on offer!!!! If competitive (hehe!) baking isn’t your thing we would still love to receive your baking efforts to sell on the stall (no monetary donation is necessary for this) ALL money raised will go to the Nursery. THE WHOLE SCHOOL is invited to take part in this CAKE OFF and so please do spread the word as we would love it to be a success and become an annual event!!!

Morag Sorbie

Nursery Parent

Traffic around Dunblane Primary school

Following various meetings of Parent Councils at Dunblane High School, Newton Primary, St Mary’s Primary and Dunblane Primary it has been decided that we, the Parent Council’s of all 4 Schools, need to review and develop proposals to enhance the safety for the pupils of Dunblane travelling to and from school. To do this we would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete this survey. We would appreciate you completing this by Friday 10 June. We would also appreciate you answering this questionnaire for each individual child you have to allow us to have the fullest understanding of the issues at the various stages. We will ensure that results are shared before the end of term.

Snack Attack Challenge 2016

A massive well done to everyone who participated in the Snack Attack 2016 Challenge.  All of the entries were AMAZING and it was so hard to select a winner.

Kirtsy, Keerthi and Isla (P7S) created Choc-A-Fair which is a delicious bar made from rice krispies, chocolate, marshmallows, cranberries and much more.  The girls not only designed their packaging but they also made their snack and  created an advertising campaign which included a billboard and a TV advert.

Their entry has been sent away and we will hear how they get on after the Easter break.  Good luck girls!!!

