All posts by Ms Jones

P1/2 J

Today we have learned some French phrases.  We now know how to use

Je m’appelle


Je suis


We had lots of fun making a human graph, ask us about it!

We made a woodland forest for the Gruffalo in Drama and we pretended to be little mice stepping through the deep dark wood.

P1/2 Outdoor Learning


We talked about how to stay safe around the fire and what to do in an emergency.

We built the fire using the wood we had collected last week, it was nice and dry because it had been inside for a week.

We put the smaller sticks on first and then the larger ones.  We lit the fire and waited for it to get going.

In small groups we had fun toasting our bread on the skewers we had made.  When it was done we chose what we wanted to spread on it.  Some of us put butter on and some of us put jam.

We used water to put out the fire.


P1/2 J and P6G French Afternoon

We were matching French number words with the correct numeral to 20.

We were reading the French word for different parts of the body and matching it to the correct picture.

We worked with the P6 children from Mrs Galloway’s class to match numbers to 100.

We played a French weather dominoes game.

We tried to speak in French and we had lots of fun.

P1/2J Learning about Fire

We learned about ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ .

We learned about the things that we need to make a fire.

Then we put the things in the pot we needed to make the fire.

We waited until the flames died down before we toasted our marshmallows.  We had soaked the skewers in water so that they would not burn.

After we had finished we put the fire out.  We were pleased to see that we had made lots of charcoal that we can use to draw with.

P1/2J Learning Lab

Today we picked some kale and some onions from the planters on the field.

We then made pesto in the learning lab.

We learned how to chop onions, how to peel garlic and grate parmesan.  We also learned how to cook pasta.

We worked together in small groups to mix the pesto with the pasta and divide it fairly.

Everyone helped tidy up and we loved cooking.

P1/2 J Outdoor Learning

We worked together as a team to make a shelter that would protect us from rain.

In class we have been learning about 2D shapes and we decided to try to make some out of sticks.

We had lots of fun and we asked each other about the dens and the shapes we had made.

Next we need to work on our tying skills!

P1/2 J Transient Art

We worked together in groups to make pictures using natural materials we found outside.

We made some amazing pictures.

Emma, Yann, Robbie and Harry made a forest.

Emmett, Noah and Zachary made a play park.

Milly, Emily and Isla made a ship on the sea.

Maggie, Lara and Ellie made two chicks in a nest.

Anna, Lauren and Sophie made a bunny rabbit.

Daniel, Harry and Dillon made a man.

We had lots of fun!


P1/2 Outdoor Learning



We went on a colour scavenger hunt.

We worked together in teams, we listened to each others ideas.


We recorded the things we found that were our colour, some of us drew them and some of us wrote them down.

We discussed what we had found out when we got back to class.

We had lots of fun outside and we all stayed safe because we followed the rules and stayed in our groups with our team captain.