Monday afternoon (8th June) football session with Dean is cancelled for Primary 3 and Primary 4.
Priory Road, Lesmahagow ML11 OAA
Monday afternoon (8th June) football session with Dean is cancelled for Primary 3 and Primary 4.
P7 will be visiting Edinburgh and having a tour around the Scottish Parliament building on Thursday 11th June. Full school uniform and packed lunch is needed. Pupils will not be returning until 4pm on that day.
Woodpark Parent Council are running a fun Games Disco on Thursday from 6.30pm until 8.00pm. Entry is £1.00 and games cost in the region of 20p. There is also a tuck shop available. Children MUST be collected by an adult at 8.00pm.
Primary 7 pupils are visiting Lesmahagow High School on 2nd and 3rd of June. All pupils should wear Woodpark School Uniform for this visit.
Parents are reminded that there is a Parents Evening on Wednesday, 3rd of June at 6.30pm in the High School. Parents will be able to meet key members of school staff.
Primary 1 are travelling to Glasgow on Monday 1st June to Kelvingrove Art Gallery. I wonder if they’ll find any dinosaurs?
Primary 2 are learning about farming this term. They will be going on a trip to Sandilands Farm then afterwards to Tesco to see the final stage of the farm to fork process. A huge thanks go to Royal Highland Educational Trust (RHET) and Tesco for organising this. Wellingtons and warm jackets will be needed for Thursday 28th May.
Woodpark Footballers are competing in the Gardiner Cup on Thursday 28th May. We wish the team the best of luck in the tournament.
Please remember we are on holiday on Friday 22nd May and Monday 25th May.
Eastwood have won the house treat and Amy and Greg are organising a Games Afternoon on Friday 15th May. Eastwood members are invited along from 1:30pm. Remember to bring your PE kit