Can you believe it’s October already? Enjoy our latest Newsletter…
Priory Road, Lesmahagow ML11 OAA
Our newly formed P.T.A are already firing into action with an amazing 80’s Night. We have booked the Hollandbush Golf Club on Saturday the 8th of October from 7pm till 12.30pm.
Tickets are £10 each and include a buffet and entry into a prize draw. Prizes on the night guarantee to be amazing with football memorabilia, spa days and free meals among other things… There is also a prize for the best 80’s costume!
Get your tickets from the school office – hurry before they run out!
Click below for a copy of our Active spelling strategies as discussed at the homework information evening.
Here is a copy of our new School Improvement Plan which includes our Standards and Qualities report. This Plan outlines the areas we would like to improve this year and how we are going to go about it.
Please take the time to read this very important document and feel free to give Mrs. Farr a call if you have any questions or comments.
Here is the September Newsletter
Here is the August Newsletter – enjoy!
A few parents have been asking about the arrangements for Primary 1 on Monday morning. The children should come along to the school with their parent/s at 9.30am on Monday morning. Parents can go to the class with their child to take a photograph if they want to. For the first day only, they will be collected at 12pm from the hall.
Please note that the children will be given a packed lunch from the canteen for their first week which they can take home with them. We will be arranging a canteen lunch for them during their first week and will let you know when as soon as we can.
Mrs. Holmes and Miss Telfer are really excited about the first day and have been planning lots of fun experiences for the children.
Welcome back to Woodpark Primary! While the children have been away there have been some changes to our staffing. Mrs. Mitchell has been asked to go to Chapelton Primary as Acting Head Teacher. This has meant that Mrs. Duncan has had to leave Primary 1 to become our Acting Depute Head Teacher. To replace her in Primary 1 we have been very lucky in getting Mrs. Amanda Holmes.
Mrs. Holmes joined us for our In Service Days and is really looking forward to meeting all the children on Monday morning.
At the moment we do not have a teacher who will share Primary 3 with our new teacher, Miss Russell so next week it will be Mrs. Farr who is taking Primary 3 on a Thursday. She can’t wait!
In Primary 5 we are still waiting for a teacher to be allocated who can share with Mrs. McPhee on a Monday and Tuesday so for now, Mrs. Duncan will be doing this.
All the staff are really looking forward to being back with the children and I’m sure you will all be just as excited!
Leavers assembly and award ceremony – 10am Wednesday
EU referendum – school closed Thursday
Final day of term – Friday 9am – 1pm
Please note that our Celebration of Achievement will start at 10am tomorrow (22nd June). We don’t know exactly how long it will take but it will be no shorter than an hour and probably closer to two hours.
Please remember that photographs are not allowed to be taken on the day – just come and enjoy the celebration!