Non uniform day update

The red letters contain a small mistake!

The Non-uniform day is on this Friday (25/11)

Not the following Friday as stated in the letter!

All pupils are to bring in a tombola prize to take part in dress down day.

In service day

A reminder that school is closed to pupils on Monday 21st November.

Pupils return as normal on Tuesday 22nd November.

Christmas Card Orders

As part of school fundraising, the children have been designing Christmas cards which a company will then transform into real sets of cards.

The children have the designs in their bags alongside an information letter so please check your child’s bag.

If you would like to order anything please fill in the form and return it to school before Wednesday 16th!


Reading and SHRE Workshop

While the children are enjoying the Hallowe’en Disco on the 27th of October (6.30pm – 8pm), parents of P1 pupils are invited to a presentation on how best to support their children learn to read.
There will also be a presentation about our Sexual Health and Relationships Education programme.
Please come along!

Hallowe’en Disco

Please remember our Hallowe’en Disco is on the 27th of October from 6.30pm until 8pm.
No ‘scary clowns’ or scary masks please!
The children will be charged £1 at the door and there will also be a tuck shop.

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