We at Woodpark are very happy to announce that our new nursery Mrs Karoline Hunt will be starting on Monday 2nd October!
Citizen’s Advice
There is a representative from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau in the school every Tuesday from 1-3pm for any questions you may have.
Barnardo’s Drop in clinic
As part of our commitment to working together, there will now be a Drop in Clinic for any parents who are finding any issues at home. This clinic will hopefully be able to help with a whole range of different issues parents face daily. If you have any questions at all or you are curious to find out more then drop in any time to find out more!
ASD parents group
There is a parents group for children with ASD that meets every Tuesday from 9am-11am in the school. This is a very useful help for any parent who would like to talk, ask questions or find out more about ASD – both in school life and home life.
Kingswood update
The Primary 7’s will be hopefully be returning around 3pm tomorrow.
Parents should call the school from 2pm onwards to check.
When you come up, if you could come into the hall to pick up your child.
Thank you!
September weekend
A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday (22nd) and Monday (25th) for the September weekend.
August 2017 Newsletter
Hi everyone,
here is our new Newsletter for the new school year.
Mobile Phone Policy
Please could all parents be aware that our Policy for Mobile Phones has not changed. Children who bring phones to school should give them to staff in the school office in the morning and collect them at 3pm.
Summer holidays
A reminder to all parents that the school will close for the Summer holidays on Tuesday 27th June at 1pm.
Uniform donations
If anyone has any uniforms that are too small for their child, the school will be welcoming any donations that can be put to good use.
Could any donations please be washed before handing into the office.
Thank you for your support.