School uniforms

A reminder that the school will not be taking school uniform orders this year. Orders can be made online. We will provide links to suppliers soon.

Ceremony of Achievement

Could all children who received an annual trophy at last year’s Ceremony of Achievement please return the trophies to the school in preparation for this year. Thank you!

Nursery applications

A reminder that all nursery applications for next year must be submitted by 30th April.

If you or anyone you know wants to make an application they should contact the office to make an appointment or complete an application form.

Football and Netball

The football and netball teams will be in action this Friday (20th)…good luck!

Could all children please make sure their GAS forms are signed.

Primary 1 and 2 assembly

Lines have been sent home with all the children today (16th). We would be very grateful if you could practise your child’s lines with them…songs are coming soon!

Microsoft Office

A reminder that anyone who want the Microsoft Office package (Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc) for free can download it from their child’s Glow account.

If anyone needs help with this please feel free to phone and speak to Mr Hartley.

Website downtime

As you may be aware, the school website has been down for reasons beyond our control. We apologise for the inconvenience!


Another reminder that the Woodpark Showcase will take place on Tuesday 27th March from 1:30pm – 2:45pm. All the children are really looking forward to showing off their work!

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