Games Disco reminder

A reminder that the Games Disco takes place tomorrow night from 6:30-8pm. Entry is £1 and games will be priced from 10p-50p. The PTA will also be selling juice and snacks.

See you there!

Bring a teddy to the toddle!

A reminder that all Primary 1 and 2 children can bring in a teddy on Friday for their toddle in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice.

Any remaining sponsor forms should be sent in as soon as possible.

P7 transition days

P7 transition days take place tomorrow and Wednesday (29/5 and 30/5). Children should be in full school uniform and make their own way to the High School. The day finishes at 2:30pm and children will make their own way home at this time.

Games disco

The Woodpark annual Games Disco will take place on Thursday 31st May from 6:30-8pm.

Entrance is £1 and games will be priced between 10p and 50p. There will also be juice and snacks available to buy…and of course a disco in the hall!

P1-2 Teddy Toddle

The Teddy Toddle in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice takes place next Friday (1/6). Could all sponsor forms please be returned on or before 9th June. Please make sure children are ready for changing weather on the day!

Crazy Hair Day!

The Woodpark Crazy Hair Day takes place next Friday (1/6). £1 participation costs will be going towards the cost of the Primary 6 bus to the Lockerbie Manor residential.

Primary 7 transition

The next Primary 7 transition days take place next Tuesday and Wednesday (29/30th).

Children should wear full school uniform and make their own way to the High School. Mrs Duncan will meet them there.

P6 Assembly

The Primary 6 “Sustainable Superheroes” assembly takes place tomorrow (24/5) at 10am…see you there!

Primary 6 Assembly

The Primary 6 assembly takes place this Thursday (24/5) at 10am.

Could all children who have not yet brought in their costumes please do so for the dress rehearsal tomorrow (23/5).

P7 Enterprise transition day

P7 will attend the High School for their Enterprise Transition Day tomorrow (23/5).

All children should come to school in full school uniform and all children must bring a packed lunch as this is an all day event.

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