After school clubs

The after school football and netball clubs begin next week (WB 2/9).

Football will take place on Tuesdays and Netball on Thursdays.

Children able to attend will be getting letters home this week.

P.T.A. Dates

The P.T.A. dates for this year are as follows –

  • 5th September
  • 7th November
  • 6th February
  • 24th April

Feel free to come along. Meetings take place in the school staffroom from 6:30pm – 8pm.

School gates

In the morning can all parents please drop their children and then move away from the pupil entrance gate. It has come to the school’s attention that some younger children are finding it difficult or scary to get past and in to the playground!
Also a reminder that parents cannot enter the playground. If there are any issues, please speak to the janitor or the school office.
Thanks for your help.

Primary 7 Lockerbie Trip

This week the Primary 7 children will be receiving their ‘kit list’ for Lockerbie Manor. If they received this before the Summer from Miss Hyslop, please double check and make sure nothing has changed.
If you have any more questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Duncan.

School Data Checks

Could all parents please sign and return all of the forms that have been sent home this week as soon as possible. These forms include photograph permissions, school trip forms and health updates.

Please check to make sure all parts of each form are signed.

Thank you for your help.


Mrs Farr is on a phased return and will be back in school on Monday. If you have any concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Duncan.

Access to sanitary products in school

The Scottish Government has announced funding to provide access to sanitary products in schools to support equality and allow for full participation in education across schools.

South Lanarkshire supports this commitment and our school will hold a supply of sanitary towels for those pupils who need them and that such supplies will be available in advance to support during school holidays. More details to follow next week.

Parent Pay

Can all parents please ensure that there is money in their Parent Pay accounts for school starting tomorrow.

Primary 1 first day

All new Primary 1 children should be brought in via the main office with their parent or carer at 9:30am tomorrow (16/8).

Parents and carers will be able to go down to the class and take a picture of their own child before leaving.

Parents and carers must return to school for 2pm via the main office.

On Friday (17/8), Primary 1 parents and carers will drop their children at the pupil entrance gates to the playground at 9am and pick them up again at 3pm.

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