P5 Bannockburn Trip

The P5 trip to Bannockburn was a great success and all the children had lots of fun learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence!

Our new Head Teacher

A reminder our new Acting Head Teacher Debbie MacKenna starts with us on Monday morning. The children are all very excited to meet her properly and get to know her – as are the staff! We would like you to join us in wishing Mrs MacKenna a warm welcome to Woodpark.

A little help…

A book has been exchanged by accident at our Big Book Swap. We are appealing for you to check your child’s bag and have a look for a picture book about MS. It is a story book about how to describe the condition to children and has been brought in by accident by one of our children.

The book means a lot to the family, so if you find it could you please return it to the school ASAP. If this could possibly be shared on the Woodpark Primary Facebook page run by the PTA we would really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Thank you!

A massive thank you for all your kindness and generosity at our Christmas Fair last night. As always, it was a great success and we raised over £2000 for school funds! Amazing!

All raffles were drawn today at assembly and parents have been alerted of winning prizes. Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to our PTA for all their help yet again.

Remember – if you would like to be part of our school PTA we welcome any new members. Our next PTA meeting is on 6th February, so please feel free to come along if you would like to get more involved in Woodpark!

Mrs Farr

Next week will be a very sad week for staff and children at Woodpark. As you are now aware, Wednesday (28th) will be Mrs Farr’s last day at the school.

Woodpark is the warm, friendly and loving school it is because of Mrs Farr!

The staff at the school and nursery are incredibly emotional at the loss of their Head Teacher – as are the children, but we hope you will join us in wishing her all the very best for the future and her new job.



The Primary 1-3 Nativity is now well under way!

The children will be getting their lines and costumes home on a slip tomorrow. As always we really appreciate your support in helping the children to learn their lines!

Scottish Book Week

Scottish Book Week begins next week in Woodpark!

All children were given a letter and a poster explaining every going on in school next week. If anyone would like to take part in the ‘Get Caught Reading’ photo competition, please click the Book Week image on the website home page to directly email your picture from your phone!

Bike Raffle

The amazing bike raffle tickets will be on sale every day! If any child would like to buy a ticket the price is £1 per strip.

The bike will be raffled off at the Christmas Fayre.

Christmas Fayre

The Woodpark Christmas Fayre takes place next Thursday (29th) from 4pm until 7pm.

A reminder that any home baking can be brought in via the school office any time before next Thursday and will be very much appreciated!

The teddy raffles will continue to go round the classes every day until the Fayre.

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