As many of you will be aware, there is an internet fad called ‘Momo’. Varying accounts of what happens from country to country are very different, but it appears to be a progressive dare game.
Currently the situation in the UK seems to be more about hype and scaremongering than the actual game. Rumours are quickly spreading and many of them are unsubstantiated.
There does not appear to be any actual hacking involved. The child must engage in conversation for anything to happen.
As the details of the craze are unclear our advice is –
• Firstly speak to your children and reassure them. Let them know that they should not be afraid of the rumours and that they can speak to you.
• Go through their personal devices with them and ask them to account for every friend and conversation they have. If they cannot explain a friend or conversation in an app such as Instagram, Snapchat or WhatsApp we would strongly advise that they are removed.
• Check games consoles such as xBoxs and Playstations for friend lists as well.
• Check these devices every day, as things like this can be very fast-moving.
• Make sure they are searching safely online using parental controls such as Google ‘SafeSearch’.
• Make sure you are aware of exactly what your child is doing and viewing online – particularly YouTube. A lot of the rumour content is being circulated through YouTube.
Primary 7 have a PE transition event at the High School next Friday morning (8/3).
Children must come to Woodpark for 9am dressed in their gym kits. They must also have their Woodpark uniforms in their bags to change in to when they get back to school.
GAS Forms will be sent home next week and must be returned (signed) before Friday 8th.
A letter went out last week explaining that this year’s theme for the Highland Games procession is ‘The Smurfs’. If your child would like to be part of the procession, please fill in the return slip on the letter and send in in their homelink.
Please note that the date of the Highland Games is 15th of June, not the 23rd of June as previously stated in the letter.
The first ‘Toasty Tuesday’ was a great success today!
If children want to buy a slice of toast and butter at break, can they please make sure they have the exact 10p! This is due to us now being a ‘no cash’ school, we no longer have any change!
Thank you
Ross from St Andrews’s Hospice came to assembly today to thank the school for all their efforts in the Teddy Bear Toddle last June. We raised a fantastic £889!
Thank you again to everyone for your efforts and to Mrs Finlay for organising the fundraising.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Valentine’s Disco. This event helps us to raise money to pay for lots of the things that happen in school.
The annual Woodpark ‘Big Topic Showcase’ will take place on Thursday 14th March from 1:30pm – 2:30pm.
Parents and carers are all invited to come and see everything the children have been learning in their big topics…they can’t wait to show you!
School photos will be taking place soon in school, please keep checking the website for further details on dates, times and ordering instructions.
The Highland Games will take place on 22nd June this year. The Woodpark float this year will be ‘The Smurfs’.
Please check your child’s homelink next week for entry forms and more information.
The school is starting a healthy snack initiative where the children can buy slices of toast and butter at break times on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The toast will cost 10p a slice, be available from the dinner hall and will be served by parent helpers!
Please check your child’s homelink in the coming days for a letter with more information.