International School Meal Day takes place this Thursday (14/3).
The choice that were chosen by the children are as follows
Blue – Pizza
Red – Macaroni Cheese
Yellow – Macaroni Cheese (as well!)
Green – Ham Baguette
Please make sure your child is aware of the changes if they are a school lunch. The purple and orange options will still be available as normal.
Red Nose Day this year is Friday 15th March. This year the Pupil Council and the Fundraising Committees have been working together to plan a day of fundraising fun!
Please check the ‘special events’ section of the school website to find out more details about this.
All proceeds of this day will be going towards Comic Relief.
A reminder that Parents’ Night takes place on Wednesday 20th March and Thursday 21st March.
Please check your child’s homelink this week for Parents’ Night appointment time slips. Thank you to everyone who returned these last week. We have tried our best to give you the times that you have asked for.
The Woodpark Showcase takes place next Thursday (14/3). Parents and carers are invited from 1:30 – 2:30 to see everything your children have been learning in their big topics!
Children should be collected at the school gates as usual at 3pm and cannot be taken home early.
A reminder that Toasty Tuesdays and Thursdays is on at playtimes. Children must bring correct change and are allowed one slice each.
On the home page of the website you will now find a link button to the website ‘Internet Matters’. This is a UK based website that has been set up to help keep children safe online. Common Sense Media is still an excellent resource but this website is specifically tailored to the UK.
The website has some excellent content and is being continuously updated to help tackle the fast-moving issues our children face online. It deals with all of the issues online today in a very easy to digest format.
Clicking the green logo on our home page will take you to the Internet Matters home page or you can click the link below.
Click here to visit Internet Matters
The March newsletter are now available to view or download in the Newsletters and Nursery sections of the website or click below to view.
School newsletter
Nursery newsletter
As part of World Book Day this Thursday (6/3) the children can bring in a pair of pyjamas/onesie to change into for the ‘bedtime story’ theme.
We continue to have issues with parking in or across the disabled parking bays. These spaces must be kept free and accessible for blue badge holders only. Please ensure you do not park in or across these spaces. Thank you.
This Friday (1/3) is not a dress down day. Children should wear school uniform as usual.