Easter treats

Congratulations to Harry MacMillan (P5) and Natasha Clark (P4) who were the winners of P7’s Easter raffles. The Easter quiz/colouring competition is still running until Friday so for a chance to win an Easter Egg and a Tesco voucher, remember to see Mrs Duncan before Friday. 

Lockerbie Manor

A final balance letter and kit list was sent home before the holidays for all children in P6 who will be attending Lockerbie Manor. The balance must now be paid through ParentPay. Mrs Duncan will relay any further information about Lockerbie in due course. 

Easter Treats

Easter Treats – Primary 7 children have organised sweet and teddy raffles in order to raise funds for their end of school treat. The children will be going around classes everyday this week. For a chance to win, don’t forget your pennies!

Term 4

Term 4 is underway at Woodpark and it’s another full term of learning and special events taking place in and around the school. Please keep checking your child’s home-link and the website to see what your child will be doing in their class. Thank you again for your continued support this year. 

Red Nose Day

A huge thank you to all of your wonderful donations to Red Nose Day! We were able to send £330 away to Comic Relief! A very fun day was had by all the children and a lot of soaked teachers so thank you again for your continued support and enthusiasm in all fundraising activities

Lockerbie Manor

A final balance letter and kit list was sent home this week for all children in P6 who will be attending Lockerbie Manor. The letter explained the balance must now be paid through ParentPay. If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Gray or Mrs Clarkson at the school office. Mrs Duncan will relay any further information about Lockerbie in due course. 

Easter Treats

Primary 7 children have organised sweet and teddy raffles in order to raise funds for their end of school treat. The children will be going around classes every day this week and the first week back after the holidays. For a chance to win, don’t forget your pennies!

Easter Service

Our Easter service will take place this Friday (29/3) at 10am. P 5&6 have been working hard on their Egg-stravaganza and look forward to seeing you there. A reminder that strictly no photography is allowed. 
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