New resource collection – 30th April
This week we have been preparing more resources to support home learning in the weeks ahead. Please see the message that your child’s teacher has put on their Google Classroom page which advises what should be returned to school. We will also send a copy of these messages out via the app shortly.
When you come to the school please do not enter the glass ‘bubble’ at the main door until the person in front of you has left and we would ask you to queue towards the playground at 2 metres distance from others. We will work through classes as quickly as we can. Parents with children in various classes will be given all class packs at the one time.
Times to pick up resources:
Primary 7 – 9:30am – 10am
Primary 6 – 10:30am – 11am
Primary 5 – 11am – 11:30am
Primary 4 – 11:30am – 12pm
Primary 3 – 12pm – 12:30pm
Primary 2 – 12:30pm – 1pm
Primary 1/2 – 1pm – 1:30pm
Primary 1 – 1:30pm – 2pm
Thank you all so very much for all your hard work, motivating the children to log in to Google Classrooms each day. Teachers are working hard to provide a range of core learning and wider interest activities to support home learning and keep the children’s interest up. We know this is a challenging time for everybody but we really appreciate your continued support. If you have not yet been able to log in to Google Classrooms please get in touch so we can help you, either by phoning the school office on 01555 892251 or email
Take care everyone.