***Resource Pack Collection January 2021***

Please read the timetable below for each class’s allocated time slot for resource pack collection. This will take place tomorrow, Friday the 8th of January.

We have changed how we are managing resource collection this time to ensure we maintain social distancing – come directly to the school gym hall entrance, not the main office.

  1.     Queue at the marked areas around the school entrance, leading to the gym hall, 1 household per area

  2.     Enter the gym hall 1 household at a time through the first marked door

  3.     Collect your child’s pack from the table, making sure you touch only your child’s pack

  4.     Leave the gym hall through the second marked door


Primary 1                       – 9:30am – 9:50am

Primary 1/2                   – 10am – 10:20am

Primary 2                      – 10:30am – 10:50am

Primary 3                      – 11am – 11:20am

Primary 4                      – 11:30am – 11:50am

Primary 5                      – 12:00pm – 12:20pm

Primary 6                      – 12:30pm – 12:50pm

Primary 7                      – 1pm – 1:20pm


The resource packs contain jotters and reading books which are important for your child’s online learning experience, so please do try to attend to collect these items.

Thank you for your continued help and support.

IMPORTANT – SLC Parent/Carer information for January 2021

Please click the link below to see letter to parents/carers from Tony McDaid, Executive Director of Education.

2020-12-22 Parent-Carers

As stated in the letter, the school holidays have now been extended for children until Monday 11th January.  The exception is for those children who have both parents (or in case of single parent family, the main carer) as designated key workers and who are unable to source alternative childcare.  This emergency keyworker childcare cover will commence on Thursday 7th January.  The link for the key worker enrolment form for emergency childcare in school is below.

2020-12-22 Pupil enrolment form (Jan 2021)

You can either download, complete this form and email it to:


or you can complete the Google form (link below).

Click here to access the Google form

Please only choose either to email the form or complete the Google form, not both!

This information should be submitted by Tuesday 5th January at latest.  The school will contact you on Wednesday 6th January.

Thank you.

Mrs D MacKenna,  Head Teacher

January 2021 Initial Information 


Following Scottish Government announcement on Saturday 19th December:

Further information from SLC to follow

All children who attend Woodpark PS and Nursery Class will have an extended holiday until Monday 11th January 2021.

All children who attend Woodpark PS and Nursery Class will have remote learning opportunities for the week of Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January 2021.

All school staff will return to work on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Emergency Childcare will be provided within school from 9am – 3pm for children of key workers on Thursday 7th January – Friday 8th January and on Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January 2021.

Key workers who need to access childcare please see SLC website for additional information.

We will continue to use Google Classrooms for remote learning, therefore, it is important that this is accessed by all our families. If this is still a problem for you please contact the school office, thank you.

We will await further advice for Monday 18th January onwards.


Covid-19 Update – IMPORTANT

Dear Parents/Carers

Please read the following COVID 19 update carefully and await further information from SLC.

The recent announcement from the Deputy First Minister confirmed that there would be no change to our school holiday dates, therefore, our schools are required to stay open until Tuesday 22nd December and close at 2:30pm. This means that Covid 19 cases identified after school close on Tuesday 22nd December at 2:30pm will be managed by Education Staff at SLC HQ in Hamilton. They will work with NHS and Test & Protect to identify close contacts within school. This may result in a phone call from Test & Protect asking close contacts to self-isolate over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. To ensure that HQ and Test & Protect have accurate data for close contacts Woodpark Primary and Nursery Class are asked to pass attendance data and seating plans to HQ Hamilton for Friday 18th, Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd of December. Please keep the school informed of any absences between now and the end of term. Every effort will be made to maintain all safety protocols until the end of term. It is anticipated that Tony McDaid, Executive Director of Education Resources will issue a letter informing you of the updated Covid 19 protocols for the holiday period.

EMERGENCY COVID 19 SCHOOL MOBILE (NUMBER SHARED VIA SCHOOL APP) until Tuesday 22nd December 2.30pm. To be used evenings/weekend to inform the school by text if your child is going for a COVID 19 test and to inform of the test result.

Preventing the Spread of COVID 19 in school – Keeping Everyone Safe

There is a zero tolerance policy in place in schools across Scotland at the moment in our recovery phase for children displaying any symptoms of Covid 19. The wellbeing of all children, young people and staff should be the central focus. There are important actions that everyone can take to prevent the spread of the virus. Everyone who:

· has the symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19) – a new persistent cough, fever, or a loss of sense of smell and /or taste – should stay at home and arrange for coronavirus testing

· is living with someone who has coronavirus symptoms should stay at home and follow the relevant advice

· has returned (or come) to Scotland from a country which is not exempt from the UK quarantine rules, should stay at home following the relevant guidance. If your child/ren have had a coronavirus test, please inform the school office of the result.

Further information from SLC will follow.

Kind regards,

Debbie MacKenna

Free School Meals Covid-19 Update – 9th December 2020

South Lanarkshire Council are pleased to announce some new financial supports for families who have children or young people in school entitled to Free School Meals. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals.

· Winter Fuel Payment

South Lanarkshire Council has approved a scheme to make a one-off payment of £50 to support with winter fuel costs, for families of pupils entitled to free school meals. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals.

· £100 Winter Payment

South Lanarkshire Council has approved a scheme to make a one-off payment of £100 to families of pupils entitled to free school meals to support with winter costs such as Christmas presents, food, fuel and other essentials. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals. This payment is per child; families will receive £100 for each eligible child.

· Free School Meals Payment for Pupils Self-isolating

South Lanarkshire Council has approved a scheme to make a one-off payment of £30 to parents/carers towards the cost of lunch for pupils eligible for free school meals but unable to attend school due to requiring to self-isolate as part of the Test and Protect Scheme. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals.

· Free School Meals Payments During School Holiday Periods

The Scottish Government have provided Local Authorities additional funding for pupils currently in receipt of Free School Meals (this does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals), to receive a free school meal payment for the following school holiday periods:

Christmas 2020 One-off payment of £30

February 2021 Mid Term Break One-off payment of £9

Spring Break 2021 One-off payment of £33

· Free School Meals Payment for Pupils Shielding During Tier 4 Lockdown Period

Any pupils eligible for free school meals and in receipt of a letter from the Chief Medical Officer advising they should not attend school and should shield for the 3 week period from Monday 23rd November 2020 to Friday 11th December will receive a one-off free school meals payment of £45 if they actually shield and do not attend school. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals.

· £500 Self-isolation Support Grant

From 7th December the Scottish Government is giving a £500 Self Isolation Support grant to families if they are:

· The primary carer or parent of a child who has been asked to self-isolate by Test and Protect or the school AND

  • They receive low income benefits AND

  • Are employed or self-employed and will experience reduced earnings because you have to stay at home to look after your child.

More information, including information on eligibility and how you can apply for this self-isolation grant can be found on the SLC website.


The SLC Website contains more detailed information for parents/carers including information on eligibility, how this will be paid and a Frequently Asked Questions section. Please refer to this information in the first instance.

Christmas Parties

We are very much looking forward to our Christmas parties, even with the adaptations put in place to ensure we keep to Covid-19 regulations.

On their party day children should come in wearing their party clothes in the morning.  Please don’t send an outfit to change into. There is no need to take your child home for lunch to change into party clothes.

Party dates:

P1, P1/2, P2 and P3: Tuesday 15th December

P4 and P5: Wednesday 16th December

P6 and P7: Thursday 17th December

Nursery: Friday 18th December

Many thanks,

Mrs D MacKenna, HT

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