A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday 26th and Monday 29th for the May Weekend.
The school will also be closed to children on Thursday 8th June for the election.
Priory Road, Lesmahagow ML11 OAA
A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday 26th and Monday 29th for the May Weekend.
The school will also be closed to children on Thursday 8th June for the election.
Could everyone involved in the show that has a speaking part, please ensure they have learned all lines up to the end of scene 7.
Could all children also have a look for items for their costumes over the weekend and bring into Mrs Duncan as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Songs lyrics for the school show are now available from the menu at the top of the website.
Alongside the cast, each class has either one or two songs to learn. The new section has all the lyrics so get practising!
As you will know we have a new craze!
If your child is bringing a fidget spinner into school could you please make sure that their name is somewhere on it.
This will solve the growing number of confusions and problems over who owns what!
Thanks for your help.
Could all children involved in the school show be able to say their lines and know their stage movements by 5th June (at the very latest!)
Thank you!
Please check your child’s bag for a letter regarding school uniform orders for next year.
Attached to the letter is an order form from ALJ Work Wear in Lanark who supply a lot of the school uniforms.
All orders should be placed by 23rd of May along with payment – this will ensure that orders arrive before we break up for the holidays in June.
A reminder to any Primary 5 children who is attending Forest Schools tomorrow that it will most likely be wet and they will need their wellies and a change of clothes!
School photos are being sent home today!
If you ordered any photos please check your child’s bag!
A reminder that the Enterprise committee is running a coffee morning for Diabetes UK on the 25th May from 10-11am.
Everyone is welcome to come. The entry price for adults is £1 and 50p for children under 12.
Tea and cakes will be on offer and any donations of home baking on or before the 25th will be greatly appreciated!
A reminder that the school will be closed to children on the following dates –
Friday 26th May – holiday
Monday 29th May – holiday
Thursday 8th June – Election