Primary 7 letters

Primary 7 have received letters today regarding dinner cards for the High School.

Please return any necessary forms to the school. Thank you.

Make it Grow!

As part of Financial Education Week, all classes were given £10 and tasked with ‘making it grow’.

Our Primary 1/2 entrepreneurs have decided to sell ‘Lovebugs’! Little bugs with a chocolate heart in the middle will be on sale from tomorrow for 50p each…first come first served!

Valentine’s Day Disco Reminder

A reminder that the Woodpark Valentine’s Disco takes place tomorrow (15/2) from 6:30-8pm. Entry will be £2 and there will be face painting and a tuck shop.

Please note that all children must be picked up. No child will be allowed to walk.

Valentine’s Day Disco

The Woodpark Valentine’s Disco will take place on Thursday 15th February from 6:30-8pm.

Entry is £2 and there will be a DJ, Valentine’s face painting and a tuck shop!

Primary 7 transition

The High School have been in touch to re-arrange our extra transition day for sometime in May. A letter will be sent home to confirm.

Holocaust Assembly

This year’s Holocaust Memorial Assembly will take place on the 23rd February at 10am. Parents/carers of Primary 7 pupils are welcome to come along.

Big Topic Term!

‘Big Topics’ are well and truly under way at Woodpark! Make sure to ask your child what has been happening in their classroom and stay tuned for more excitement!

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