Data Check Returns

If you have not yet returned the Data Check Returns (white envelope) please do so as soon as possible. Some Returns have been sent home again as a section has been missed – please check homelinks!

Meet the Teacher, ICT awareness and App Launch

A reminder that the annual Meet the Teacher session takes place tomorrow (29/8). Before the teacher sessions begin, Mr French will be giving the annual talk about internet safety. At the end of this presentation we will launch our brand new school app which will become the main communication tool for the school. The talk begins at 3:15pm in the gym hall and we would love to see as many people as possible there. Don’t forget to download our new app before the talk! Link on the website home page!

Lockerbie Manor Residential Trip

An information evening has been arranged for Primary 7 parents on Wednesday 18th September at 5:30pm. It is important that parents of children going attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend, please speak to Mrs Duncan.

Car Park

A reminder to people dropping off children in the morning to please not block car park spaces. This is to allow all of our staff to get into the car park.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club has been a great success in the first week! A reminder for any child who wishes to come that Breakfast Club is open from 8:15am – 8:45am. Parents should drop children at the playground gate, the children should then make their way round to the Primary 6/7 entrance and into the dinner hall.
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