Start / Finish time reminder

Starting/finishing times:

P1 Monday and Tuesday 9.30am. From Wednesday P1 start at 8.50am.  Finishing time 2.50pm every day.

P2 8.55am – 2.55pm

P2/3 9am – 3pm

P3 8.50am – 2.50pm

P4 8.55am – 2.55pm

P5 9am – 3pm

P6 8.50am – 2.50pm

P7 8.55am – 2.55pm

P7 High School Visit

A reminder that the Primary 7 children will be walking to the high school at 12:30pm tomorrow for their visit.

All children should come to Woodpark as normal in the morning wearing Woodpark uniform. They will have their lunch as normal then walk down with Mr French and Mrs Duncan.

P7 Transition Information

As part of tonight’s meeting, this afternoon your child has been told their house and class for next year!

In their diary you will find a sticker telling you their house and class. You will need their house information for the meeting tonight as after the main meeting there will be a meeting for each house.

All the joining information has been shared on your child’s Google Classroom page.

Primary 7 Virtual Transition Evening

The link for the P7 Virtual Transition Evening will be available on your child’s Google Classroom as of 3pm. We cannot unfortunately share it on any other platform for security reasons.

Thank you.

Primary 7 High School Transition

The High School are very pleased to confirm that they can offer a transition day for the Primary 7 children at the high school on Friday 11th June.

The Primary 7 children are to come to Woodpark as normal on Friday morning. They will have their lunch at Woodpark at 12pm then Mr French and Mrs Duncan will walk them down to the high school at 12:30pm. If your child is a home lunch, please ensure they are back at school by 12:25pm. As part of current restrictions, Mr French cannot stay at the high school.

Parents/carers should organise collection of their child from the high school at 2:40pm.

Full details can be found on the letter in your child’s bag today or by clicking this link.

Primary 7 Leavers Assembly

The class have been sent home their lines today! They also have costume requirements written in their diaries. For the vast majority, all they need is something/things that make them look like a pensioner. Please do not buy anything! If the children could bring in the items as soon as possible I would really appreciate it.

This year the Leavers Assembly will be prerecorded – not an on stage performance. All children will be provided with a copy of the assembly!

Thank you, Mr French

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