School Enrolment


We are delighted that you are considering sending your child to join our St Mary’s school family.

If your child is starting school for the first time you should enrol your child at their local school in January. Children who will have attained the age of four years on or before the last day of February can be enrolled in January for the following August intake.

At your enrolment appointment you must bring your child’s full Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate. Parents need to provide two pieces of documentation (bank statement, utility bill, council tax book, house rent card, driving licence, etc) both of which should contain the parent’s permanent address and be dated within the last 6 months.
A child can only be enrolled for school by the parent with whom he/she normally resides. Please click the link below to enrol your child:

Once enrolled, children and their parents will normally be invited to visit the school during May/June. This provides an opportunity for the parents and pupils to meet the school staff.

Parents wishing to enrol a child at any other stage and at any other time of the year should contact the school office who will arrange an appointment with the Head Teacher.

Parents wishing to withdraw a child from school should arrange to discuss the matter with the Head Teacher

Placing requests:

If your child is starting Primary 1 in August and you do not want them to attend their catchment school, you must still register your child at their catchment primary school before making a placing request to another school.

To make a placing request, please visit the Education and Learning area of South Lanarkshire Council’s website by clicking the following link:

If you have any difficulties with the online form or require a paper copy of the form, please contact Education Support Services by email:

The Scottish Government has produced a guide for parents on choosing a school and that can be found by clicking on the following link: