What are 1140 hours?

From August 2021, your 2, 3 or 4 year old could benefit from 1140 hours a year of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). This is free to you, funded by the Scottish Government and local authorities. That works out at about 30 hours a week if you use it during school term-time, or around 22 hours a week if you use it year-round.

The benefits of attending 1140 hours of Early Learning and Childcare

  • The vision of the Scottish Government for the 1140 hours early learning and childcare expansion is to “…make Scotland the best place in the World to grow up in by improving outcomes and reducing inequalities for all babies, children, mothers, fathers and families across Scotland to ensure that all children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed”.
  • We aim to deliver the highest quality early learning and childcare which is flexible, affordable and accessible for all children and their families. We know the benefits on children’s learning through play, improving communication skills, building up their confidence, making friends and most importantly having fun. Increased early learning and childcare hours ensures that our youngest children have the best start in life.
  • Outcomes from evaluations have also confirmed that the additional hours benefit parents and families by reducing their childcare costs, being able to start a new job, increasing their working hours or to start training or study

Further information, eligibility and how to apply

Please following the links below for more information: