Nursery Dress Code

Your child should be dressed in comfortable, practical clothes which are easy to wash and easy for her/him to manage e.g. when going to the toilet. Some of our activities can be messy and although we provide aprons for children to wear, we ask you not to dress them in their ‘best’ clothes, but rather in their normal ‘play’ clothes.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for all weather types as we engage in daily outdoor experience in all weathers.

Please provide:

  • Nursery sweatshirt, t-shirt or cardigan. This is optional and can ordered from ALJ Workwear in Lanark High Street.
  • Gym shoes for wearing indoors/PE in the school hall (we will provide a named bag which will be left on his/her peg)
  • A jacket, hat, scarf and gloves for outdoor play* in colder weather
  • A full change of clothing e.g. pants, socks and trousers, top (in case of accidents)

*We can provide outdoor waterproof suits and wellingtons for children to wear. If you have a suit or wellingtons that can be supplied for wear by your child or donated as is no longer a suitable size, we would gratefully welcome any offered.

Please label all your child’s clothing clearly with your child’s name.

There are certain items of clothing we like to discourage the children from wearing:

    • The wearing of football colours
    • Clothing with slogans that may cause offence (anti-religious, symbolism or political slogans)
    • Clothing which advertises alcohol, tobacco or drugs
    • We greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter.