
This week we had 7 4th Year Work Experience pupils from Holy Cross High School.  The pupils worked in various classes to gain an understanding of what a career in teaching consists of.  They were very hard working and professional and quickly developed a rapport with the children they were working with.  In a time where we are in need of teachers, especially denominational ones, it is extremely hopeful that so many pupils had requested to come to our school for work experience.  We have an excellent partnership with Holy Cross and this week shows how beneficial the Work Experience programme is for all of those involved!

On Thursday, our pupils were entertained by M&M Theatrical Production’s presentation of ‘A Little Princess’.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the show and some were even asked to help during the performance!  After last year’s show ‘The Mikado’, our pupils have an idea of the make up, scenery and rehearsal time it takes to produce a successful show and therefore along with being entertained, the production gave pupils further insight into this.  Many thanks to parents for contributing towards the cost of hiring the theatre group.

Our Primary 7 pupils are busy preparing their House Captain speeches for the elections in the coming weeks.  Our Captains and Vice Captains play an important role in our school and will lead the pupils of Primary 1 to 7 in various activities throughout the year.  We look forward to working with them.

On Thursday, 15th September we will host our ‘Meet The Teacher’ evening where parents will have the chance to meet their child’s teacher and view the resources the pupils use each day.  The night will be an excellent opportunity for parents to get to know our staff.  Children are not able to attend the evening as we will have all of our God’s Loving Plan resources on display.

As always, thanks for reading our school blog,

Mrs. Elaine Fitzpatrick


Our pupils have now been back at school for 2 weeks and we have had a great start to our new session.  It has been wonderful to see them all return to school looking extremely smart in their St. Mary’s uniform. A huge thank you to all of our parents for making such an effort to ensure that our children continue to be excellent ambassadors for our school.

This year we have 13 classes for our 370 pupils.  During the summer holidays we waved goodbye to some staff and pupils and on our return said hello to some new staff and pupils who I am sure will quickly grow to love St. Mary’s as much as we do!

Our 50 Primary 1 pupils have settled into school life very quickly.  With the help of their P7 buddies, they have now mastered the routine of school lunch in the dining hall and are enjoying making new friends in the playground.  Our Primary 7s have also settled into their transition year.  They have many leadership roles and responsibilities ahead of them, all of which I am sure they will excel at – we look forward to them leading the school in various activities and initiatives throughout the year.

I will update my blog weekly to let our friends and family know what is happening at St. Mary’s.  Remember to follow our Twitter feed and check our website for any up to date information.

Best wishes,

Mrs Fitzpatrick



Each year we strengthen our links with Holy Cross and this year has been no exception.  Our Primary 7 pupils have been involved in various transition events throughout the year, such as the team building day, maths challenge and various teacher visits.  We also pass on more formal information to ensure that staff at Holy Cross know our children’s strengths when they begin in first year.  Our children were involved in what is considered to be the most important transition event, the P7 induction days, this week.  They had a great time getting to know pupils from other schools in our learning community and being involved in various lessons such as drama, P.E., English, Maths and many more.  It was great to see their photographs on the Holy Cross Twitter page and even better to see their smiles as they participated in the lessons, leaving us in no doubt that they are well and truly ready for their transition to high school.

Our Primary 7 pupils also took part in a Primary 7 retreat this week at Holy Family church in Mossend.  The retreat was organised to allow the pupils to reflect upon the journey that they have made since Primary 1 and to consider what the future holds for them.  The day was a very peaceful and reflective one and once again staff from Holy Family commented on the impeccable manners and behaviour of our children.

This week was Financial Education week.  Our pupils were involved in lots of different online and practical activities making them more aware of the value of money, interest rates, money calculations, savings and profit and loss.

Our yearly Scholastic Book Fayre was once again a success.  We really appreciate the support from parents with this venture as each class benefits from the profits of the book fayre.  Last year, every stage was able to choose a class set of books from which they created a book study to develop their reading and comprehension skills.  A huge thank you to Mrs Gilgunn for organising the book fayre and to our faithful parent helpers.

Our Parent Council organised a very busy and successful ‘Sausage Sunday’ after 10am and 11.130am mass this morning.  The morning was well supported by lots of parent helpers and families who were able to chat with friends and have a tasty roll after attending morning mass.

I look forward to seeing you all at our Summer Show this week!

Mrs Elaine Fitzpatrick



Mikado Mania has officially hit St. Mary’s! Our Primary 5-7 pupils have been busy rehearsing to ensure that the show will be a great success.  Not long to go now!

Over the past fortnight, we have welcomed our new Primary 1 pupils for their primary 1 induction afternoons.  The pupils visited our infant classrooms and met their fellow classmates, whilst their parents listened to various presentations on life at St. Mary’s and what to expect when your child starts school.  The most valuable presentations were from our Primary 7 and Primary 1 pupils who described what they liked about being at St. Mary’s!    The parents also had the opportunity to meet our Parent Council Chairperson, Justine Docherty and chat to other P1 parents over a cup of tea and coffee.

Our footballers took part in the Summer Cup on Friday.  History repeated itself with our Girl’s team being victorious and our Boy’s team narrowly missing out on winning the tournament!  All of our footballers have worked extremely hard this year and have shown real sportsmanship and teamwork at every single game they have played.  We are very proud of them!

On Friday we waved goodbye to Room 8’s teacher, Mrs Cotter, who begins her maternity leave on 6th June.  We wish her all the very best and cannot wait to meet and have a wee cuddle from her bundle of joy!

On Saturday we had an extremely successful Summer Fayre.  With the sun shining, our families enjoyed taking part in the various fun games, perusing the stalls, chancing their luck at the raffle, listening to our fab DJ and eating our delicious burgers, hotdogs, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Equi’s ice cream!  Not to forget our famous St. Mary’s Bake Off!  I cannot thank our fantastic Parent Council enough who worked very hard at organising the event and the many parent helpers who came to help set up the fayre, worked on the stalls and stayed to tidy up afterwards!  Thanks also to the dedicated staff of St. Mary’s who came to support their school and to Mr Cluckie, our resident DJ!   It was a fantastic day and raised an astonishing £3000 for school funds!  Thank you so much for all of your support.

The countdown to Summer may be on but life at St. Mary’s does not slow down and we look forward to a busy 3 weeks ahead!

Mrs. Elaine Fitzpatrick



Our Japanese themed Art Exhibition in honour of our school show, The Mikado, was a huge success this week.  Art work created by every single pupil in the school was on display for all to see.  Each class had chosen a different theme and created their own masterpiece.  Our parents were amazed at the quality of the art and having each picture displayed in a frame made them that extra bit special.

Our Parent Council met on Wednesday night to discuss school activities and also to plan this year’s Summer Fayre and Sausage Sunday.  The Summer Fayre is an annual event organised by our Parent Council and is one of the main fund raisers of the year.  Keep an eye out for letters and flyers giving you details of dates, times and events!

Our children are becoming increasingly confident in their use of Spanish!  Every class in the school is now developing skills in talking and listening through activities such as ordering the colour of their school lunch in Spanish, counting, saying the alphabet, using Spanish greetings and making the Sign of the Cross.  As Primary 1 in Mrs McLeod’s class would say, we are “fantastico!”

4 of our Primary 7 pupils took part in the Holy Cross Maths Challenge this week.  This is a yearly event and part of the Primary 7 transition programme to ensure smooth progression to secondary school  We were extremely proud of the 4 contestants who returned to school victorious as the winners of this year’s challenge!  Well done Primary 7!

We waved goodbye this week to our 2 teaching students – Mr Vornic and Miss Brannan, who had been working with Room 7 and Room 10.  We wish them good luck and every success in their future studies.

Thank you for reading our weekly blog.  I hope that it keeps you up to date with school events.  Remember to read Twitter and the updates on our website to keep you fully informed.

Mrs Fitzpatrick








On Monday our primary 4 – 7 pupils listened to a very interesting and educational  presentation by representatives from Stroke Association Scotland.  This charity was one we supported during our Christmas fundraising and we are very proud to have helped their cause and raise awareness to ‘Make May Purple’.

On Tuesday, 44 primary 6 pupils walked to and from Chatelherault Country Park for an exciting day of outdoor learning.  Our pupils took part in activities such as numeracy, literacy, R.E. and Health and Well Being.  Led by Mr McManus and Miss Graham, they had a fantastic time building dens, climbing trees and gathering round the campfire!  In order to protect the local environment, a condition of any outdoor learning experience is to ensure that the surroundings are restored to their original condition when they are finished, this alone was a valuable lesson for our children to learn.

We continued our winning streak this week, when our school netball team came first place in their group at the Hamilton Schools Netball Tournament!  Well done everyone!

Our pupils had an exciting taster session from McGowans Blackbelt Academy, Hamilton this week.  Primary 1 – 6 all took part in an introductory session and were commended for their behaviour and listening skills throughout.  We are very grateful to Mr McGowan for giving our pupils this opportunity.

Room 6 and Room 9 planted space seeds this week, sent from astronaut Tim Peake!  This is part of an innovative national experiment to compare the growth of seeds that have been in orbit with him, in comparison to those that have remained on earth.  10,000 schools across Britain are participating in the experiment, which will provide valuable results to help scientists grow plants in space!

Primary 6 were our latest stage to visit Hamilton Library at Hamilton Townhouse.  All of the pupils in the school have been involved in library visits to enhance their ability to research information and interrogate the data they find.

On Friday our pupils took part in an outdoor learning experience arranged by South Lanarkshire Council’s Development Officer for Outdoor Learning, Caroline Pitcathley.  Our children had lots of fun and used various resources to enhance skills such as team building, resilience, co-operation and creative thinking.

I was extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of St. Mary’s on Saturday to watch our Primary 4 children receive the sacrament of their First Holy Communion.  Our children were fabulous as they took part in this special service in front of family and friends.  Special thanks to our First Communion teachers, Mrs Cotter, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Feeney and also to Mrs Cluckie who helped prepare them for this special sacrament.

Thanks for reading,

Mrs. Fitzpatrick


What an amazing and busy week for the pupils and staff of St. Mary’s Primary School!

20 of our Primary 4 pupils began their multi sports Tuesday lunch time club arranged by Laura Somerville, our Active Schools Co-ordinator.   The club is also ran by Active Schools volunteers.  Over the course of this year, Laura has been an invaluable help to our school, supporting us with various lunch time clubs and arranging our participation in several sporting tournaments.  We are very grateful for her assistance in developing our the sporting skills of our pupils!

On Thursday night, 68 Primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils were accompanied by 7 teaching staff to the Theatre Royal in Glasgow to view a Scottish Opera production of ‘The Mikado’.  Throughout the night our staff received multiple compliments from members of the public about the impeccable behaviour and manners of our children.    Not only was this an extraordinary ‘night at the opera’ for our pupils, it was also a perfect opportunity for them to compare the traditional opera to the more up to date version we will be performing in June.

On Friday night 33 of our pupils participated in Hamilton Swimming Gala at Larkhall Leisure Centre.  I was very proud to watch them compete and win many medals in various events such as 10m freestyle, 25m freestyle, 25m breaststroke, 100m freestyle, 25m relay, 50m breaststroke and 50m freestyle, although I must admit I had a slight sore throat the next morning from cheering them on! Well done everyone!

On Saturday, Sophie Ireland played piano and Christina Tappenden sang ‘Ae Fond Kiss’, as they represented Lanarkshire at the Scottish Schools Robert Burns World Federation Final in Murrayfield, Edinburgh.  We are very proud of the various talents of all of the pupils at St. Mary’s. With the encouragement of family and school they recognise that there is more to succeeding than natural ability, and work very hard to foster and develop the talents that they have been blessed with.

On Sunday morning 2 of St. Mary’s football teams played in the Davie Cooper Cup.  Our boys and girls played 4 games each until their results saw both teams competing in nail biting finals!  Our boys fought admirably to win silver in a 2-0 defeat, however after a penalty shoot out our girls were successful in coming first place and winning the trophy!  Well done to both teams for their incredible hard work in each game played and thanks to Mr McManus for his coaching and guidance to our teams on the day and throughout the year!

As always, thanks for reading our school blog,

Best wishes,

Elaine Fitzpatrick


All of our pupils this week have been developing their artistic skills by creating a Japanese themed picture for our Mikado Art Gallery this term.  Parents will receive a letter this week with details about the Art Gallery and how you can view all of the amazing pieces of art.

Hockey Fridays continue to be very popular with our pupils, with primary 3 now involved in the weekly sessions.  Tom from Uddingston Hockey Club works with our children each week, developing their skills and also offers an after school hockey club for our senior pupils, which is very well attended.

This week our Sports Committee met with Laura Somerville, our Active Schools Co-ordinator, to discuss the possibility of an application to SportsScotland for a School Sport Award.  This is a national, lottery funded award designed to encourage schools to continuously improve P.E. and sporting opportunities.  At St. Mary’s we are involved in many sporting opportunities, however this application is the perfect way to involve our Sports Committee in our self evaluation process, looking at how we can improve to make learning better for every child in our school.

We have a very short week next week with the May holiday on Monday and a Staff Development Day on Thursday, however our pupils are working overtime as they will be involved in various competitions in the evenings and at the weekend!  A busy week ahead!

Thanks for reading,

Mrs. Elaine Fitzpatrick





It was lovely to see all of our pupils back after their Easter holidays, eager to begin a busy term at St. Mary’s.

This week we began rehearsing for our Summer show – ‘The Mikado’.  We are all very excited about the show and this was heightened when we found out that ‘The Mikado’ was being performed at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow this month.  68 pupils from Primary 5 to 7 will watch the performance on the 5th May and hopefully gain some tips and tricks of the trade to add to our own performance!  Continuing the Japanese theme, a real treat is in store for parents, as our classes have been busy preparing for our upcoming art exhibition.  Invitations will be issued in the coming weeks.

We had our monthly Parent Council meeting this week, where we discussed upcoming school events and arrangements for Parent Council events such as our First Communion Breakfast and Summer Fayre.  We are extremely fortunate to be so well supported by our Parent Council who provide invaluable feedback and guidance on various school issues and events.

We are very lucky to have a new group of Primary 3 pupils experience weekly tennis lessons ran by Hamilton Tennis Club in conjunction with SLC Active Schools, every Wednesday lunchtime.  After their introductory session this week, the Primary 3 pupils will take part in a 5 week block.  Meanwhile, Primary 6 continue to enjoy their weekly swimming lessons at Hamilton Water Palace.

Primary 4 had their first session with SLC Instrumental Music Instructor, Ros Chalmers, this week.  Pupils will experience practical music making opportunities, explore music from different cultures and develop an understanding of orchestral instruments.  We are very fortunate to have been included in this project from the SLC Youth Music Initiative and I look forward to listening to the pieces the children will produce during their time with Ros. Primary 4 have a very busy term ahead indeed.  On Friday they visited St. Mary’s Church to begin their first practice for their First Holy Communion on 14th May.

With First Communion, P7 Holy Cross Induction days, School Show, School Sports Day and more, all of the pupils and staff of St. Mary’s are looking forward to the many exciting learning opportunities ahead this term!

Thanks for reading,

Elaine Fitzpatrick


Monday began with excitement and tears when we waved goodbye to our Primary 7 pupils along with Mr Rimmer, Mrs Cluckie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Graham and Miss Tierney as they began their journey to Kingswood for their residential trip.  They had an absolutely amazing week taking part in lots of exciting activities such as abseiling, ‘Leap of Faith’, archery, blind trust walk, den building, camp fire, Jacob’s ladder and of course the end of the week disco!  Parents could see their happy faces and be kept up to date with regular texts and tweets showing them how their children were getting on.  Photographs of the week will be uploaded to our website for all to see.  A huge thank you to our school staff who looked after our pupils during the week and brought them back to us safe and sound on Friday!

Not only did we wave goodbye to our Primary 7s, we also said farewell to the trout Rooms 8 and 9 have been looking after for the past month.  Under the supervision of Clyde in the Classroom staff, the trout were carefully released back into the River Clyde by our pupils on Monday morning.

Our school was very quiet on Monday as Primary 1 also left us to go on an educational outing to Summerlee Museum, Coatbridge, to enhance their topic on ‘Grandparents’.  They looked at various items from many years ago and compared how they have changed over time such as cameras, school satchels and toys.  Thank you to our parent helpers who accompanied the children on their trip.

Our 8.30am Wednesday morning service continues to be very busy each week.   We are very grateful to our parents and pupils for making that extra effort to attend the weekly service at St. Mary’s Church during Lent.

Mrs Seenan and our ECO committee delivered an assembly to inform pupils about World Earth Hour on Saturday 19th March.  Over 100 of our families signed up to take part in Earth Hour and show their commitment to taking care of our planet.  Next week our ECO committee will be focusing on changing lives around the world by giving the gift of clean water, by raising money for CAFOD in a very fun and exciting way!

We are constantly amazed at the generosity and commitment of our families, especially during Lent when we raise money for the various charities we support.  Room 9a focused their energy this week on the charity ‘Let The Children Live’, who help street children in Colombia.  Each day their bakery was a sell out thanks to parents donating delicious home baking to be sold.  George McAleenan from the charity came to talk to Room 9a and have a question and answer session with them about the work the charity does.  George will visit the school again in May to speak to all of our pupils at assembly and be presented with a cheque from money raised during Lent.

Next week our Lenten Fundraising comes to a head with Charities Week and we complete the fundraising with our Easter Coffee Morning and  Easter Bonnet Parade on Thursday.  St. Mary’s closes at 3pm on Thursday for the Easter weekend.

We would like to wish all of our families a happy and holy Easter.

God bless,

Mrs. Fitzpatrick



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