
Our pupils have now been back at school for 2 weeks and we have had a great start to our new session.  It has been wonderful to see them all return to school looking extremely smart in their St. Mary’s uniform. A huge thank you to all of our parents for making such an effort to ensure that our children continue to be excellent ambassadors for our school.

This year we have 13 classes for our 370 pupils.  During the summer holidays we waved goodbye to some staff and pupils and on our return said hello to some new staff and pupils who I am sure will quickly grow to love St. Mary’s as much as we do!

Our 50 Primary 1 pupils have settled into school life very quickly.  With the help of their P7 buddies, they have now mastered the routine of school lunch in the dining hall and are enjoying making new friends in the playground.  Our Primary 7s have also settled into their transition year.  They have many leadership roles and responsibilities ahead of them, all of which I am sure they will excel at – we look forward to them leading the school in various activities and initiatives throughout the year.

I will update my blog weekly to let our friends and family know what is happening at St. Mary’s.  Remember to follow our Twitter feed and check our website for any up to date information.

Best wishes,

Mrs Fitzpatrick