Home learning week beginning 18/05/20

Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend. It’s another short week this week so there will be no work set for Friday. We also have a holiday the following Monday so next week’s blog post will go up on Tuesday morning.

Remember, tasks are suggestions only! Do what you feel comfortable with and if you have any questions you can leave me a comment and I will get back to you.

timetable 18-05


Would you rather? Remember to explain your answer. (” means inches)

Try to keep up with the Budget Game.

MM: These two pages will revise your knowledge on multiples and factors. Hopefully you remember! If not, this might help you: Factors and Multiples



factors 2

DD: Here are some more activities relating to perimeter and area. Watch the videos and try the interactive activity. I have included the worksheet for you to try too.

Area video

Worksheet: area



AA: This week I have set some revision tasks on place value.

reading 3 digit numbers

comparing 3digit numbers

ordering 3 digit numbers


Each group should try and find some time to read a book of your choice.

AA: This week I’m going to give you three chapters to do, but that’s because it’s the last three chapters. Feels like we’ve been doing this book for ages doesn’t it?! I would suggest reading chapter 35 first and then completing the activity for that chapter, as some of the questions involve predictions.

Nowhere Emporium ch 35-37

FF: Pobble365 – try the activities for your chosen day.

Tell Me No Lies – These activities are from BBC Bitesize. You can listen to extracts of a book and use your inference skills to answer the questions. There are 3 different activities for you to try.

CC: https://www.pobble365.com/ – try the activities for your chosen day.

Birds in your garden – this is a comprehension activity based on the birds that you might see in your garden. If you finish this, you could maybe look for other wildlife in you garden/outside. Could you research an animal/insect you find and create some of your own questions?


Gold: You have the suffix ‘ness’.  ‘ness’ at the end of a word means ‘the state of being’. If you take the word ‘kind’ as an example, when you add ‘ness’ it means the quality of being kind or friendly. If you show kindness, it means you are doing something to show your are kind. Can you think of at least 4 more words with the suffix ‘ness’? Other activities could include – finding the definition using a dictionary, test an adult, use your words in a paragraph, create a wordsearch.

Silver: You have the phoneme ‘ow’. This week, practise your words by creating a wordsearch, testing an adult, bubble writing, writing your words in a paragraph or finding the meanings using a dictionary.

Bronze: This week you have the phoneme ‘ch’. You could test an adult, create a wordsearch, use your words in sentences, bubble writing.


This week you should concentrate on using your plan to create your story about the doorway. You should include at least 3 paragraphs.


Topic: This week, we are concentrating on Geography. There are 195 countries in the world. Can you name them all?

Just kidding, we’ll start off a bit smaller. In Europe there are 44 countries. Your job this week is to name as many of them as you can.

This video might help you:

Remember, the Czech Republic is now known as Czechia and Macedonia is now known as North Macedonia. There are a few sneaky ones in there too… there is another country within Italy. Can you find out what it is called?

This game also helps you learn where each country in Europe is:

Europe puzzle

You can choose the easy or the hard version, whatever you prefer.

Once you’re confident enough, test yourself to see how many countries you can name. You have 8 minutes to complete it.

Countries of Europe

P.E: Find a partner and try a game of Battleships. Watch the video below for instructions.



Recipe Card

Follow the link above for this week’s online tutorial in coding HTML and CSS. Your challenge is to create a webpage for your favourite recipe. I know that many of you have been busy with home baking recently, this will allow you to display the ingredients and method for one of your recipes. If you email the link for your project to me I can post them on the blog at the end of the week then you can all have a go at trying out some new recipes at home!

If you would like to save your project so that you can return to it later, then you can register for a free Raspberry Pi account. Sign up by clicking on ‘sign in’ in the green box to the left of the tutorial screen. Good luck!

Art:  This week, find a picture from a newspaper or a magazine. It can be of anything, but your job is to imagine what the rest of the picture would look like, so you’re extending the picture. I’ve attached an example, I used a pair of Converse as my picture and then drew the rest. I did mine really quickly but you should take your time and use colour if you can.


Life skills: Choose a task from the list.

life skills

Non-screen activity: Choose a task from the list.

non screen activities

Have a good week everyone! Remember to send any photos of your learning to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk

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