Week beginning 06/01/20

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had an excellent time celebrating Christmas and New Year!

Last term, we read Wonder as a class as part of our Literacy programme. This term, each group will be reading their own novel. It is very important to complete your reading homework each week as the follow up tasks will be completed in class.

Amazing Apostrophes – your new book will be The Nowhere Emporium. You must read page 7-35

Fantastic Full Stops – your book will be The Borrowers. You must read chapters 1 – 3 (pg 1-26)

Clever Commas – your book is Emily’s Legs. You must read chapter 1

Spelling homework. Please complete 4 activities from the spelling sheet.

Please complete at least 10 minutes of Sumdog each day. You should also practise your times tables daily.

Please watch an episode of Newsround and summarise an interesting story in your jotter.


Hope you all have a great first week back!

5 thoughts on “Week beginning 06/01/20

  1. My bag isnโ€™t waterproof and my hotter is wet and ripped on half! Is it possible to get a new homework jotter? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ‘

    1. we’ll try and get you one Rachael. Maybe keep your jotter in your book folder to protect it!

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