Week beginning 26/08/19

Hello, welcome to Room 12’s blog! Your weekly homework will be posted here on a Monday morning so please check on a Monday to find out what your tasks are!

Spelling: There will be no spelling homework this week but each group’s words will be posted here on a Monday. The children will be given various spelling activities to complete.

Numeracy: Children have been given log-in details for Sumdog. Children should aim to play for at least 10 minutes each night.

Reading: This week, children should read a story from a newspaper or an online piece and write a summary in their own words.

Newsround: Please watch Newsround this week. As a Talking and Listening activity, children will be chosen to share a summary of a story they found interesting with the class.


3 thoughts on “Week beginning 26/08/19

    1. The easiest way to access Sumdog is by searching for it on Google. It should be the first website listed. Once you click on the link from there it will ask for the user name and password which is inside the homework jotter. Hope this helps!

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