Design a superbear competition

Good morning girls and boys,

I hope you are all well this week. It’s great to hear from Mrs Mirner about all the people that have requested their Studyladder login so far. It’s a brilliant resource to keep you all busy and learning while all the time having fun too.

As you know Mrs Graham and Mani are big John Lewis fans so I was excited the other day when I came across this competition to design a superhero bear that that will be made and sold in stores later on in the year. I thought some of you might want to give it a go and enter. How amazing would it would be if it was a winning Burnside bear? 🐻

I’ve attached links below with details of how you enter as well as the template. I believe the closing date is 5pm on the 8th May.

Good luck and keep me posted.

Love Mrs Graham x


26 thoughts on “Design a superbear competition

    1. I know the feeling Ava, Lubo is the same especially when Mani is napping! Hope you’ve managed to keep busy today. Mrs Mirner has set work for the whole week on Mondays blog so check that again if your looking for more to do pet.
      Mrs Graham x

  1. Hello,

    I have emailed for Study Ladder details for Sophia, but I haven’t received any. Could they be resent to me?



  2. Hi we can’t find the check-in entry for this week so I thought Ròs could do it here in the most recent entry. E Macdonald

    Hi, I have enjoyed doing my work, especially my Under the Sea topic. I also made chocolate cupcakes for Daddy’s birthday! They were delicious !!!🎂🧁😀🥳🎁🎉From, Ròs

  3. Hello Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner, how are you? My glow account is not working please may you fix it? The user name and password are not activating the account. My mummy will email you my account details. Thank you. Luisa

    1. Hi Luisa,
      I’ll get onto it. I’ll email you with the details.
      Hope you’re all safe and well!
      Mrs Mirner

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