Please remember on Friday we will have another Room 13 check-in, so try your best to leave a comment on the blog to say Hi!

Well done to everyone who has completed the 5K challenge! I am looking for a couple more photos of people with their signs so I can send it over to Mrs McGarvey to share on Twitter.

Hope you all had a great start to the week and are ready for today’s Tuesday challenge.

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Okay the difficulty of today’s challenge will depend how long your name (first and second name) is!  So if you have a really short name this will be super easy and if you have a longer name… well… it’ll take you a bit longer.


You need to find items in your house, one for each letter in your first name and each letter in your second name.  Now if you are like me (my second name has THREE ‘N’s in it)… you would need to find three different items beginning with ‘N’.

I have put an example below for you.  Again I would love a mixture of comments on the blog and photos.  Can you lay them out in the order of your name and send me a photo?


3… 2…. 1…… GO!

Here is my list… lets see your!

Best of luck.

Miss M 🙂

Weekly Work 26.4.2020

Happy Monday Room 13!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.  First of all remember that the 5K challenge is running right up until this Friday.  A huge well done to those who have completed it… remember to send me over your photos when you have finished it too!

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Some new tasks for you to try this week, including some French which Miss Mailley has sent over for you.  I have been speaking to Miss Mailley and Mrs Harkins over the weekend and they say a BIG HELLO to you all.

There is a text book page for each group to try.  This is general number revision.  If you would like, please feel free to try other groups textbook pages too if you want a little bit more maths practice.  There is also a revision worksheet for P6 and P7.  P6’s we are going back and looking at measurement and P7’s we are going back to revise fractions.

  • DAILY 10
  • BMBT


SHM5 Number Revision

Reading Scales

(We looked at this topic at the very beginning of the year, see if you can read each of the scales on the worksheet)


H6 Number Revision

Squares & Triangles

SHM7 Number Revision

P7 Revision Topic

Equivalent Fractions

(Remember you must multiply the numbers from the left to the right and you must multiply the top and bottom by the SAME NUMBER)

P7’s I have added the next two exercises from the Stonelaw Transition Booklet too if you would like to give them a try.  Remember, try exercises A and B… and if you feel you could manage more challenging questions try exercise C.  For Ex4. you may need to research some of the terminology used!

I have filmed a help video as some of you were slightly confused with how to complete these activities.  You can find the link below:



Spelling Focus for this week: Spelling Words

Tasks:  Write a silly sentence using each word, opposite hand, pyramid writing.

I have also added in a Grammar worksheet for you to try this week.

Nouns and Verbs Worksheet (Stars and Planets)

Nouns and Verbs Worksheet (Suns)

  • Reading comprehension passages following on from your research about the USA Olympics last week.

USA Olympics Comprehension (Stars)

USA Olympics Comprehension (Planets)

USA Olympics Comprehension (Suns)

  • Continue reading The Explorer… try your best to be reading at least two chapters a week.
  • Newsround news articles to keep up to date with stories around the world.
  • https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html
  • The above website is a great places to find loads of free online books too!

Writing Clip Art - Images, Illustrations, Photos

  • If any of you have been baking since we closed I would love you to write out the recipe you used and send it to me to try!  Remember the layout of a recipe and you may want to add pictures too.  This weekend I made Oreo brownies and they were DELICIOUS!
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  • Write a discursive writing piece about one of the following statements.  Remember with discursive writing you have to put forward the arguments for and against and then you share your own opinion at the end.
  • “Sports is the best hobby a child can have.”
  • “Weekends should be 3 days long.”
  • “Every child should be allowed to have a mobile phone.”

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  • Remember your 5K challenge: to try and complete 5K of running, this can be spread over the whole week and send me a photo of you holding your I completed my 5K challenge sign (I have emailed this to you) when you have finished it.
  • PE with Joe… I will be doing this every day this week!
  • Active Schools Weekly challenges on Twitter.
  • Try and complete these exercises by spelling out your FULL NAME!
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Now this should be a fun one!  I need you to start collecting lots of recycled materials around your house.  A big thank you to one of the Room 13 pupil’s who suggested this project 😀

First I would like you to go and conduct some research about USA landmarks.  Now we did loads on this in class so this should just be a recap for you.  I would like you to choose a landmark of your choice and try and built your own replica of it using recycled materials!

Now this will take time… the plan was to do this as a big project after Easter.  So start this week by choosing your landmark and planning out what materials you need and how you are going to build it.  These will look amazing with time and effort!


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  • Remember to be super helpful around the house… at least two tasks to help out your family!
  • Watch Newsround each day and take the quiz at the end of the week.
  • Mindfulness colouring is a great way to help you relax if you are a little stressed.
  • Get out into the garden and try this activity with your family:

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  • Or you could try Wellbeing Bingo.  Give everyone in your family a copy of this sheet and see who completes the most tasks by Friday!

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If you need any help with anything you know just to leave a comment on the blog or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  I love hearing from you so please feel free to check in with me at any time during the week.  Remember to send me over photos of your work so I can share them on Friday.

Remember 10am Tuesday challenge tomorrow and it’s going to require a little bit of work… but I know you will definitely be up for the challenge!

Friday check-in again this week.  It was amazing to hear from so many of you… it’s great to see how busy you all are but more importantly that you are all safe and healthy 🙂

Have an amazing week everyone and will speak to you soon!

Miss You Loads!

Miss M x

Friday Check In 🌟

Happy Friday Room 13!

First thing to do is let me know how you are! Leave me a comment… it can be a simple “Hi” or “Hello”… or you can leave me a message with how you are feeling and how your week has been 😁

Let’s see how many pupils from Room 13 we can get commenting today! Remember to spread the word with everyone in class that we are doing a full Room 13 check in today!

Thank you for sending over all your amazing work this week, it looks like you have been super busy 👍🏼 I have posted some work below from the last two weeks of online learning, but if you have anything else that you would like me to share, please send it over to me today and I will add it to this post.

Some amazing home learning from the week before Easter:

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Some very colourful and creative artwork:

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Very creative finds for the last two Tuesday Challenges! I was very impressed that 8 of you completed this weeks Tuesday Challenge within an hour of it being uploaded to the blog… GREAT WORK!

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And some amazing home learning done this week!  I loved some of the facts you found about the USA Olympics!  Lots of outdoor activities completed this week too… INCLUDING A 20K cycle!

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Remember you can also submit your 5K challenge photos today and I will also extend this for another week in case you didn’t get a chance to complete but would still like to take part! Please check your Glow email for information about this if you haven’t already.

Mr Campbell has also left you all a comment under the Tuesday Challenge Blog post, I’m sure he would love it if some of you were to leave him a reply 🙂

Thank you for all of your amazing work, positivity and kindness this week.  I hope you are all staying happy and healthy at home ❤️

Have a great weekend and I will speak to you all on Monday.

Miss M x

Check In & Amazing Work!

Good Morning Everyone!

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I hope you are all having a lovely week!

Just a few pieces of information for you to know about with upcoming blog posts.

Remember tomorrow is our Feedback Friday and I would love to share some of the work you guys have done this week!  Take a picture of some of the things you have done this week (whether its written work or something creative outside!) and send it over to me so I can share it with the rest of Room 13 😀

I will also be doing a check in tomorrow and Monday.  Myself, Mr Campbell and Mrs McGarvey would love to hear from EVERYONE in the class!  It might just be a quick hello, commented on the blog or a check-in email with me to let me know how you are getting on.

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You guys have done so well and it has been amazing to hear from so many of you already, however there are a couple of people who I haven’t heard from so I would love to speak to you!

I will put up a blog post tomorrow and Monday and I am asking for all of you to simply put a Hi, Hello! or a little comment about how you are underneath the post.  We want to make sure everyone is doing well at home and to let us know if there is anything we can do to help!

So spread the word and let’s try and get EVERY SINGLE member of Room 13 to comment tomorrow or Monday!

Missing you all lots and will speak soon,

Miss M x


Good Morning Room 13!

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and getting back into online learning wasn’t too much of a struggle!

Thank you to everyone who messaged or checked in with me yesterday, it was lovely to hear from you.  Remember if you want to check in I will be checking the blog and my emails every day.

Okay… back to your Tuesday Challenges! These were done SO WELL before Easter so let’s see if we can keep that up!


You have to find TEN ITEMS in your house, as quickly as you can, beginning with the letter…

Letter S Clipart Images

Comment with your list or email me a photo of the items you find 🙂


Miss M x


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I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Holiday.  I can’t believe how quickly those two weeks passed… but I can’t wait to hear what you all got up to.  It has been FAR TOO QUIET without you!

So first of all I thought I would share some of the things I got up to over the Easter Holidays and if you look in the Writing tasks for this week, I would love to hear what you have been doing over the last fortnight.

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So the first thing is I did A LOT of baking! A Victoria sponge cake, carrot cake cupcakes and a white chocolate and Daim bar cheesecake! To balance that out I have done lots of exercise in the garden and big long walks with Nyla.  I have done two 5K runs and a PE training course (online with Miss McAvoy!) to help me with my football! I’ve washed the car even though it’s not going very far at the moment.  I’ve continued reading the Explorer and I am almost half way through. Finally I spent a night camping in the garden with Nyla! ❤️

YOUR FIRST TASK… can you all please log into Glow and check your email.  I have sent you a VERY special challenge for this week!

So… back to online learning! It will remain the same as the past, a range of activities for you to choose from and a fun Tuesday Challenge for you to take part in 😀  Try to get yourself back into the routine of online learning, by using the ‘Weekly Timetable Template’ to plan your week!

I am going to ease you back into maths this week so the focus for each group will be the same as the week before we finished for the Easter Holidays.

Now P7 (only), some of you started the Stonelaw Maths booklet with me just before we stopped.  My plan is to upload the first and second activity (which some of you have already done).. If you have not started this can you please compelete the activites in your jotter.  Try exercises A and B first… if you find them okay, then try exercise C.  If you did do this with me in class, could you try and do this again, by yourself and see if you can complete exercises A, B and C and try to do it a little quicker this time!

Stonelaw Maths (Exercise 1)

Stonelaw Maths (Exercise 2)

  • Continue reading the Explorer – I am half way though the book and I am really enjoying it!
  • Create a character profile for a character of your choice.  Draw your interpretation of the character and then write descriptive words for your chosen character around them.

SPELLING WORDS FOR EACH GROUP: Common Words (spelling)

This is consolidation of common words that you may come across, so please feel free to challenge yourselves by learning a different groups and your own!

  • Dictionary definitions
  • Rainbow Writing
  • Speed Writing
Download Pencil Writing Clipart Png Png Free - Pencil Clipart ...WRITING
  • Write a recount of your Easter Holidays – lots of detail please!  You could even type this up on a Word Document and add a nice border or some pictures.
  • Write a summary of ‘The Explorer’ so far, remember this should only talk about the KEY POINTS of the book.


  • Make sure you are being super helpful around the house!  Try and do at least two tasks around the house to help your family.
  • Watch Newsround each day and take the quiz at the end of the week.
  • Now I stole this idea from a pupil in Room 14! They have designed positivity pebbles and have placed these all around Burnside!  I would love for you to give this a try and see if you can spot any others around the town whilst you are out on a walk.


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  • Make sure you have checked your emails for a VERY SPECIAL challenge for this week!  Its a running based activity!
  • Joe Wicks every morning at 9am
  • Keep checking South Lanarkshire Active Schools page on Twitter for a new challenge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Our focus this week is going to be the Olympics.

Your job is to research how many times the USA has held the Olympics and create an information leaflet which has at least 10 facts about the Olympics in the USA.

You may want to focus on one Olympics or you may want to look at all of them!

I have also added a USA word search for you to try 🙂

USA wordsearch

Although we are not back in class, I can’t wait to catch up with you all!  Please make sure you are keeping in touch during the week, I love hearing from you!

Any questions please just let me know, I will be checking the blog and my emails every day.

Let’s have an amazing week everyone 😀

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Miss M x



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Happy Easter Room 13!

Just wanted to pop on and say hello!  I hope you are all enjoying this (slightly different) Easter break 🙂

Can’t wait to hear what you’ve managed to get up to over the holidays.

Hope you are all safe and healthy!

Miss M x


Happy Holidays Room 13!

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It’s the Easter Holidays!!!

Good Morning Room 13, so today we would be in class and doing all things Easter related before I send you off for a 2 week holiday.  Oh how times have changed!

I am going to start of this blog post by sharing some of your amazing work this week.  Then, underneath I have added a few challenges (set by pupils in the class) in case you want some things to keep you busy over the holidays.  Of course, there is no set work for you to do and you do not have to do the challenges if you don’t want to!  However, as we are limited with what we can do and where we can go… I thought it would be nice to give you some ideas of things to keep you busy!

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Okay so over to you guys… have a look at some of the amazing things you have done this week!

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Some amazing maths, science-fiction stories, President Presentations, outdoor learning and some art work too!

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I loved seeing all your Room 13 Rainbows!

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And you all got super creative for your Tuesday Challenge!! One pupil even made a Rainbow Tree and put a teddy bear in it for the P1 pupils to find on their bear hunt!

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Okay challenge time… I will try my best to do as many of these as I can!  Thank you to everyone who put forward a challenge for Room 13 to try over the holidays!

Football Challenge:  Can you complete this challenge?  I am working on my keepy ups just now and I am trying my best to complete this by the end of the holidays!

Thank Our Heroes Challenge:  One pupil suggested we make posters to thank our front line workers who are keeping us all safe and sound!

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Let’s Get Cooking: One pupil suggested that you trying baking an Easter themed cake for you and the family.  I love baking so I am definitely going to try this one!

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Talking Is Important:  One pupil said ‘remember it is important to keep talking to one another’ and I couldn’t agree more!  I have attached an emotional check in sheet that you may want to use for yourself or your whole family to make sure everyone is feeling okay.  Remember we have our Microsoft Teams page where you can continue to talk to one another 🙂

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And finally some pupils had asked if we could do some STEM challenges.  Now I have a couple organised for after the Easter Holidays.  However think about the STEM challenges we have already done in class or use the pictures below to think up your own challenges and you can share these with your family or with the class through Teams.

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It has been amazing to see all your fantastic pieces of work this week, I have been so impressed with your hard work and commitment!

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I hope you have a great Easter Holiday, try to keep yourself busy but most importantly stay safe and healthy.  I can’t wait to hear what you get up to!

Sending lots of love to you and your family.  Missing you lots!

Speak Soon,

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Miss M x




Mid-Week Check In ☺️

Happy Wednesday Room 13!

I can’t believe we are already in April!  Any April fools pranks being done at home today? Let me know! 😂

Hope everyone is having a good week so far.  I have just finished the Joe Wicks PE session for the second time this week and feeling great!  Just about to head out for a walk with Nyla too 🐶

What have you been up to this week so far? Let me know!  I spoke to so many of you yesterday, it was lovely to hear from you 😁 Missing you lots though 😔

Your Tuesday challenge submissions were great yesterday! So many different items found around your house and garden to make a rainbow!

Speaking of rainbows please remember to get your ROOM 13 RAINBOW up in your window and send me a picture of it so I can put them all together over the weekend… here’s mine!

All the answers to the maths worksheets will be posted on the blog on Friday in case anyone wants to mark the work they have done!

Stay safe everyone and keep me posted with everything you are doing ☺️

Miss you lots!

Miss M ❤️ X


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