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Week beginning 27.4.20

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed engaging with last weeks tasks.

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning and messaging to let us know you are accessing your learning online. Check in each week on the blog or by email.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also the activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week 2 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too.


Bananas: ou and ow

Extension words: tower, amount, flour, flower, trousers, around, shower, house, allowed, surround

Task 1. Dictation- Have an adult read the following text to you and write it out carefully.

A tower stood in an empty field. It looked like an old part of a castle. Flowers grew around the base of it and it looked pretty as the sun set. I wonder who used to live in a house like that. I wasn’t allowed to go into the tower as it was unsafe. A fence surrounds the walls to stop people going in.

Task 2: Write out your words in blue making the rule red

Task 3. Choose 3 words  and find the dictionary definition for each

Oranges: Revision of i_e and mb

smile, drive, twice, fire, side, mile, wide, time, prize, comb, lamb, climb, crumb, dumb

Task 1. Say, Make, Break, Write, Read   (If you don’t have magnetic letters skip the                                     make/ break stage)

Task 2. Rainbow write each of your words, remember to change colour for every letter

Task 3: Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each.



 Writing task- All Groups

The following tasks are planning activities which will help us in preparation for next weeks task.

Spring hunt

Spring walk writing


Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 

Dragons and Centaurs

Spring Comprehension 3

Unicorns 1

Spring Comprehension 2

Unicorns 2

Spring Comprehension 1

How the Kangaroos Got Their Tails Activity Card

Dragons, Centaurs and Unicorns 1 –

PG1 Unit 14

Unicorns 2 

PG Intro Unit 10



Triangles: Practise Learn Its:  8 times table

 Triangles: TJ1b Pg 19

Triangles: 2d x 1d worksheet

CirclesPractise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

Circles: E3 Doubling

Circles: 2d-1d colour to answer

 Countdown Challenge

Try this weeks challenge. See how quickly you can solve it.



Health and Well being

A nice relaxation style activity to do:

Thought Clouds

We know you are all keeping active, here are a few challenges to try this week.



Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests


Task 1:  Choose an animal that lives in a Rainforest. Research  it and write down 5 pieces of information about it.

Task 2: Download the ‘Chatterpix’ app (free) to a phone or device. Choose an image and draw it’s mouth. Record your own fun factfile  and save it and send it to us. We will share some on the blog next week.

Play my example- click on the link below.

Squirrel Monkey


Task 3: Visit the site    

Read the following book. It’s found in animals, then other animals, then scroll down. We will use it for many of our tasks in the next few weeks.

4 Weekly Activity grid:  

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.



Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,

or photos can be sent to where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

Check In Station

Hi everyone,

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, this is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

We want to keep in touch with everyone so we are asking each pupil (with parental help!) to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Many of you have already been in touch but I’d love to hear from all of you.  You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing. Remember you can also email Mrs Rhicard or Mrs Steele any of your work if you would like us to look at it.

You can check-in today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) before 3pm.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Week Beginning 20.4.20

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back!

We hope you have all had a fab Easter break and enjoyed spending time with your family.

Each week we will put up suggested activities for you to complete on the blog.  There will be tasks allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There will also be an activity grid which will run for 4 weeks. In it there will be additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too.


Bananas: ou and ow

Core words: ground, crowd, outside, brown, mouse, allow, found, drown, shout, growl

Task 1. Make lists of ou and ow words

Task 2: Rainbow write each of the core words

Task 3. Choose 3 words from core word list and write each in a detailed sentence.

Oranges: Revision of o_e and e_e

home, rope, stole, awoke, hope, smoke, these, here, eve, complete. Steve

Task 1. Say, Make, Break, Write, Read   (If you don;t have magnetic letters skip the                                     make/ break stage)

Task 2. With a ball play Spelling tennis with someone in your family

Task 3: Speed Spelling 30 seconds for each word, try to write it neatly as many times as                         you  can.



All groups: Writing task.

Write an ‘Easter’ Acrostic Poem focusing on the 5 senses- what could you see, hear, smell, taste and  touch?  Each line of the poem should start with each of the letters of Easter.  Remember to use your VCOP strategies to uplevel your writing.


Dragons, Centaurs and Unicorns 1 – Unit 13 pages 1 and 2

PG1 Unit 13



Unicorns 2 Unit 9 Pages 1 and 2

PG Intro Unit 9



Triangles: Practise Learn Its:  8 times table

Triangles: H4 E1

Triangles: TJ1b Pg 6

Triangles: 2d x 1d


CirclesPractise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

Circles: H3 Pg 22

 Circle : 2d-1d worksheet

Circles: 2d-2d tens worksheet


Try a Chilli Challenge if you feel up to it! Choose which level you would like to complete.





Health and Well-being/ Art

Create a paper chain and on each link write something you are thankful for. This is ever more important during this tricky time we are all facing. Hang the chain somewhere to remind you of all the good things you have and are truly thankful for.


Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests

Our topic this term will be ‘Rainforests’.

Task 1: Online, can you research 5 interesting facts about rainforests around the world?Discuss your findings with your family. Make a mindmap if you are up for a challenge!

Task 2: On a world map locate the main rainforests around the world and colour the areas of the map they cover. Make a note of what each Rainforest is called.    Map link below

World Map


4 Weekly Activity grid:  

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.


We would love to see what you all have been up to. If you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,

or photos can be sent to where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

Happy Easter!

Happy holidays Room 7!

Thank you for all your hard work this term.

We hope the Easter bunny is good to you all and we look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to in a couple weeks.

Remember to stay safe, take care of yourselves and of have lots of fun!


Mrs Steele & Mrs Rhicard

Week beginning 30.03.2020

Good morning,

We hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine!

Have any of you made a rainbow for your window? These are Mrs Steele’s – made by Olly and Arlo.

If you have made one, we’d love to see a picture! You can send photos to and we can then share them on the blog. Please put in the subject area ‘room 7 rainbow photo’.

This week you can continue with the work set to you in your home learning folder as well as with online games and activities. A good structure for each day might look like this;

  • 1 numeracy task (i.e. a worksheet, website game)
  • 1 literacy task (i.e. diary, book review, spelling game)
  • Personal reading (roughly 15-20 minutes)
  • Exercise/fresh air (i.e online exercises, playing in the garden)
  • 1 other activity (i.e art, ICT, music)

Please remember this is only a suggestion and we understand if you can’t manage it all.

See image below for lots of really good ideas of some online activities to do that spreads across the curriculum.

As it’s nearly Easter time, you might also want to try some Easter activities! Below is a list of ideas.

-decorating a hard boiled egg

-decorating an Easter bonnet

-make an Easter card

-Easter egg nest crispy cakes

-create an Easter egg treasure hunt. Write out some clues that would lead someone to find eggs in your garden or at home. You could save this one for Easter Sunday!

Please take some photos of any Easter activities and send them to the email address above – we’d love to see what you’ve been up to!

We miss you all lots, please let us know if you need anything.

Take care,

Mrs Steele & Mrs Rhicard


Useful links

Today I thought I’d give you some useful links for other
things to do.

This is a link to a daily exercise routine by Joe Wickes, the Body Coach.

Glasgow Science Centre are conducting daily experiments.

Remember also you can watch Newsround on the CBBC website.

Steven Brown the Scottish Artist has also provided a free colouring in sheet for his giraffes. He liked that children were drawing rainbows and putting them in their windows to spread joy and thought people could spread even more colour with his pictures.




Hi Everyone,

We hope you are all well?
For the next few weeks can you continue to take time each day to work through the pack of work which was sent home with you.
There is also a blog message which gives lots of ideas and things to do whilst self isolating- you could try some of these out too.
Any questions, please ask!


Hi everyone!
The next few weeks will be strange for us all but please be assured you can contact both Mrs Steele and            Mrs Rhicard if you need to ask us anything about your work or even just to say hi!

I though I would give you a few wee art ideas that you might like to try to keep you busy and brighten your days.

You could be as creative as you like with the lego art and if you go out for a walk pick up a pebble and decorate it!

We will be in touch regularly so keep checking the blog!

Take care

Mrs R

For pupils who are self isolating

As a whole school we are currently planning for learning at home in the event of closure.

However in the meantime as there are a number of pupils who are currently absent or self isolating the following activities could be completed at home.


• Write a weekly diary entry telling us about what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• ‘Newsround’ find a news story that interests you online or on TV/radio and write about in in your own words. You could even draw or print off a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.


• Online/APP maths games (topmarks)
• Practise ‘learn its’/times tables
• Subtraction games


• Create a PPT presentation related to an aspect of our class topic.
• Topic art project. Choose an aspect of our class topic to do a piece of art on, Could be a drawing, painting, etc.
• Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves and each other. Please keep an eye on this blog as the majority of future learning is likely to be posted here however Mrs McGravey will advise of this in due course.