For pupils who are self isolating

As a whole school we are currently planning for learning at home in the event of closure.

However in the meantime as there are a number of pupils who are currently absent or self isolating the following activities could be completed at home.


• Write a weekly diary entry telling us about what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• ‘Newsround’ find a news story that interests you online or on TV/radio and write about in in your own words. You could even draw or print off a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.


• Online/APP maths games (topmarks)
• Practise ‘learn its’/times tables
• Subtraction games


• Create a PPT presentation related to an aspect of our class topic.
• Topic art project. Choose an aspect of our class topic to do a piece of art on, Could be a drawing, painting, etc.
• Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves and each other. Please keep an eye on this blog as the majority of future learning is likely to be posted here however Mrs McGravey will advise of this in due course.

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