Week beginning 8.6.20

Hi Everyone,

We hope you have all had a good week. The days are flying past and we can’t believe we are in the second week of June already.

Thanks to those who are in touch regularly. We love receiving your emails showing off all the wonderful work you are doing. Remember your tasks might appear in the ‘Star Workers’ section, have a look at the bottom of the page for this weeks. If you have any news share it too and send us a picture for the ‘News’ section.

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning. You don’t have to wait until a Friday to get in touch- check in when you can.  The check in post is active all week and you can email us examples of your work at any time.

Burnside’s Got Talent is open! If you wish to participate you can send a video of you doing something really cool to the school twitter page. We will then share them. Full details are on the app. We look forward to seeing how creative and talented you all are.


Find below all of this weeks tasks.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also a new  activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week  3 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too. Each page has allocated activities on them or you can play general games. We have been checking in on progress and can see how you are doing and what activities you are taking part in.

👏👏👏Last week’s ‘Star Sumdog player’ is Harry G. Well done!👍



Bananas: Unit 9 Phoneme k    Representations- c, k, ck, ch

Core words: cartoon, kidney, hammock, ketchup, chemist, character, echo, kestrel, cashew, packet

Task 1:  Can you make a phoneme grid with each of the representations, fill in the core words and try to add to your lists

Task 2: Choose 4 words and write a sentence for each

Task 3: Play spelling tennis with a partner



Oranges: Revision of all sounds

Task 1:   Get an adult to read the following sentences to you and then write them out, try sounding words out carefully.

Andrew and Paul always go on  holiday together.

Each year we dig the soil to keep the weeds away.

I never know what to say in school.

I will show my mother and father my new yellow coat.

Task 2: Underline the sounds you found most tricky to remember in the sentences. Practise more of those words.




 Writing task- All Groups

We would like you to try and complete a 5 day well being journal. It is a slightly bigger task than normal so we would like you to complete it over 2 weeks.  You could complete 2-3 one week and then the other 2-3 the following week.

 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday

Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday

Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday

 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday

 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Friday


Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 



KC3 Unit 29


KC 2 Unit 27

Unicorns 1

KC 1 Unit 25

Unicorns 2

KC Starter Unit 17

Dragons, Centaurs and Unicorns 1

PG 1 Unit 17

Unicorns 2

PG intro Unit 12



TrianglesPractise Learn Its:  8 times table

money cut and stick

money challenge cards

money jar

money jar coins

Circles:  Practise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

double your money

circles money worksheet

money challenge cards


Chilli Challenge

Choose which level of heat you can handle!

Mild 4

Spicy 4

Hot 4



Health and Well being

This week we are thinking of ways to be mindful. We have covered  a lot in class around this and we would like you to try to focus on strategies at home.


Below is a kids 7 minute a day hiit workout. Can you complete it every day of the week. How does it make you feel after you have completed the challenge?


Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests

Last week we were finding our about the impact of deforestation on the rainforests. It affects so much more than just the trees, the impact to our planet is huge. Animals around the world (not just in rainforests) are becoming endangered and this week we will be finding out more about this.

Task 1: Watch the following PowerPoint about the animals that are becoming endangered around the world


Task 2:  Can you choose 1 animal to complete an endangered animal profile on


Task 3: Some fun extra tasks this week can be found below



Task 4: Read the following book if you haven’t already done so.- It is found if you type ‘Rain forests’ in the search bar section. (make sure you put a space between the two words)



World Ocean Day

It’s not just the rainforests that need our help, the seas and oceans do too. This week (Monday) celebrates ‘World Ocean Day’- some of the activities in the additional activity grid help explore this also.

Watch the following PowerPoint about World Ocean Day and try some of the fun activities.

World Ocean Day Powerpoint




4 Weekly Activity grid:  NEW 4 WEEK GRID ADDED

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them. Send us examples of you completing these too.



“Star Workers”

Can you see your work on the Star Workers board. We had so may lovely pieces this week we have two boards. Well done to those who have work posted.  If you would like to be in next weeks board send us some pictures of your work.


“In the Class News”

Keep sending us updates of the interesting, fun things you are doing.



Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,



or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

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