Hi Everyone,
Here is this weeks check in station.
We hope everyone is enjoying engaging with the tasks we have set.
Remember if you don’t want to comment on here you can send us an email to let us know how you are getting on.
Hi Everyone,
Here is this weeks check in station.
We hope everyone is enjoying engaging with the tasks we have set.
Remember if you don’t want to comment on here you can send us an email to let us know how you are getting on.
Hello Everyone,
We hope you all enjoyed engaging with last weeks tasks. We received some great emails. We are missing you all and love to hear about what you have been up to.
Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning and messaging to let us know you are accessing your learning online. Check in each week on the blog or by email.
This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also the activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week 2 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.
You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too as all activities have been now been added to groups.
Bananas: common words: counting, idea, liked, mile, music, river, running, speechless, twelve, thirteen, money, interesting
Task 1. Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each
Task 2: Spelling tennis with a partner
Task 3. Rainbow write each of your words out three times
Oranges: Revision of ow and ou
low, grow, throw, follow, shallow, show, owl, brown, growl, now, crown, allow,
count, house, round, outside, sound, mouse
Task 1. Say, Make, Break, Write, Read (If you don’t have magnetic letters skip the make/ break stage)
Task 2. Spelling tennis with a partner
Task 3: Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each.
Writing task- All Groups
Using last weeks Spring hunt and Spring walk writing tasks as your planning, this week you have to write a Spring Senses poem. You can use the layout below to help you or write your own, maybe in the shape of something you would find in Spring e.g. a flower or a chick?
Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day.
Dragons and Centaurs
Unicorns 1
Unicorns 2
Polar Bear – Fascinating Facts Activity Card
Triangles: Practise Learn Its: 8 times table
Triangles rounding decimals worksheet
Triangles place value riddle cards
Circles: Practise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables
Circles subtraction worksheet 2d-2d
Circles subtraction word problems
Chilli Challenge
Try this weeks challenges. What level of heat will you choose?
Health and Well being
Looking after our well being is so important especially at this unusual time. If you need help with relaxation, try making this calm jar.
Below are some activities to continue to keep you active. Challenge yourself to get a better score each time.
Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests
Task 1: Read the sheet below
Task 2: Create an open the flap sheet. Use one layer sheet as the background and stick the animals onto the correct layer of the rainforest that they would be found. Cut the lines on the second sheet and attach it only at the left hand side. You should have a lift the flap sheet revealing animals underneath.
Rainforest Layers Animal sheet
Task 3: Visit the site https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html
Read the following book. It’s found in animals, then other animals, then scroll down.
Make a note of two food chains.
For example: Leaves > Insects> Frog> Snake
Here are a few of last weeks Chatterpix! They were so fun and contained great facts.
Well done to everyone who submitted them.
4 Weekly Activity grid:
Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.
Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,
or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.
Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.
Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele