Check In Station 30.4.20

Hi Everyone,

Here is this weeks check in station.

We hope everyone is enjoying engaging with the tasks we have set. We have had a few chatterpix sent over on email and they have been fab. We will try and upload a few to share next week.

Remember if you don’t want to comment on here you can send us an email to let us know how you are getting on.

20 thoughts on “Check In Station 30.4.20

    1. Hi Ben, All good here. I’m enjoying watching all the chatterpix movies coming in. Yours was great. Well Done

  1. Hi
    It’s Emily. I’m good. I painted a rock and baked fairy cakes. I’m walking to my granny’s on Saturday to say hello. I beat my dad and my brothers and won Cluedo last night.
    I’m missing my friends but have been video calling Lily and Lara, it’s really funny.
    I’m doing more work this week and my mum said she’s proud of me but I think it’s quite boring.

    See you soon

    Emily 😊😂🎉👍😜

    1. Hi Emily

      Sounds like you have been keeping busy! We’ve been painting rocks too and baking 🙂
      Glad you are getting to chat to your friends.
      Well done on working hard!
      Miss you lots
      Mrs Steele

  2. Hi everyone! I’ve had another great week! I’ve enjoyed reading the rainforest food chains book this week, it’s really interesting ☺️ I’m hoping it gets sunny again soon so I can play out in my garden! Hope to see you all soon!

    1. Hi, MJ.
      Glad you’ve had another good week and enjoyed the rainforest book. I love this topic. Yes, fingers crossed is nice at the weekend again! ☺️

  3. Hi check in Me my Mum and Dad have adopted tadpoles and I learnt how to ride my bike without stabilisers it was the best way to exercise myself it is so fun

    1. Hi Daniel

      Wow tadpoles! You will need to take some photos of the different stages for us 🙂
      Well done on getting the stabilisers off! That’s a big achievement!

  4. Hi Everyone, me and my mummy took a Spring walk yesterday to the park and seen lots of new buds flowering, birds and cute squirrels.
    Today we are going on a bike ride then going to make a chocolate cake 😋.

  5. Hi Everyone

    I’m been so busy doing lots of work. T oday I went on the Harry Potter virtual school trip which was great – I am supposed to be going to the Harry Potter Studio tour in June but do not think that will happen now!

    I have been enjoying learning all about the rainforest and wrote a story about a rainforest adventure where an explorer comes across a Black Mamba snake and a Red Macaw.

    Have a nice weekend🌳🌳💦 🐍🐊🐸🕷🦍🦎🌞💦🌳🌳

    1. Hi Matthew, Sounds like you have been very busy. Glad you liked the Hogwarts school trip. Knew you would like that. Hopefully you can rearrange your trip to the studios when things get a bit more back to normal. Send us your story to read, it sounds fab and great to hear you’ve linked it to the Rainforest topic.

    1. Hi Daniel, can you email the images through and i’ll post them on the blog for all to see. I cant open the image link. Thank you

  6. Hi guys,
    Hope you all have had a good week!
    I really enjoyed ChatterKid and had lots of fun with my brothers playing about with it! The new rainforest topic is interesting.
    I have got a new book called Evie and the animals which I am really enjoying. I had a chat with Lucy during the week which was really nice.

    Have a good weekend, miss you all!

    Evie xx 🌈

    1. Hi Evie, Glad you are having fun with the chatterpix app. It is so good. Your new book sounds interesting. Hope you have had a good weekend too?

  7. Hi everyone
    I have been busy with lots of Rainforest work. I have also been doing lots of maths and literacy.
    I had a rugby session on zoom at the weekend and won a art competition at the pet shop for drawing our guinea pigs called Guinea and Gretel.
    I have just been for a nature trail.
    I hope everyone is doing good.

    1. Hi Fraser, Glad you have been keeping busy and enjoying the topic tasks. Well done on winning the art competition, that’s fab. A zoom rugby session sounds fab, good to hear you are keeping up with the training.

  8. Hi Matthew Cr here. I’m fine, hope you are too? I’ve had lots of fun this week with the chatterpix app.

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