Category Archives: Sport

Staff/Parents v Pupils Football Challenge

Well done to all the pupils, staff and parents who survived the sweltering heat to play in our football challenge marathon today.  A great time was had by all and the trophy stays safely tucked up in the trophy cabinet for another year after a win for the adults.


Wow!  What an amazing experience.  I was so proud to carry the baton today and to do it in front of my own family and so many members of my extended Hallside family was so special.  Thank you so much to each boy, girl, mum, dad, auntie, uncle, grannie, grandpa and staff member who came along to the baton relay this evening.  I hope you enjoyed watching and cheering it as much as I enjoyed carrying it.

It was incredible.  My heart was bursting with pride.

Can’t wait for the games to begin now.

Queen’s Baton Relay

Today I proudly get to carry the Queen’s Baton in Hamilton as it spends the day passing through South Lanarkshire. It has been many months since I was nominated for this great honour and I’ve been getting more and more excited as today got closer and closer.  I will be so proud to carry the baton as the Commonwealth Games comes to my home town of Glasgow and to represent all the pupils, and their families, who have attended Hallside Primary and all of the boys and girls who have taken part in events I’ve organised for the whole community in my time here.

Thank you once again for the nomination, it means so much to me, and I hope to wave to as many of you as I can today if you are there.

Thank you.

Mr B

Queen’s Batonbearer 2014

(Some of the pupils asked me to put a reminder of where it will be on here:  Bothwell Road, Hamilton.  Just along from Hamilton Racecourse, I start my leg of the relay just along from the Powerleague 5-a-sides, at 6.23pm)

Sports Days – The Results

Here are the full results of the Commonwealth Sports Days.

Click here to go to Mr Bamford’s blog to see pictures from both days.

Team                  Total Score Across Both Days

Wales 533.27
England 531.02
India 505.95
Scotland 469.09
Malawi 462.46
New Zealand 452.55
Uganda 428.17
Samoa 423.32
South Africa 414.47
Nthn Ireland 412.98
Nigeria 411.93
Jamaica 411.52
Malta 401.99
Jersey 399.83
Bahamas 392.46
Barbados 387.83
Tonga 385.54
Canada 381.4
Zambia 367.5
Australia 337.79

.                                                                           Score Breakdown

.                                                             P3-4                                                      P5-7

.                                  Track        Field              Total            Track          Field            Total

Wales 70 120.55 190.55 75 267.72 342.72 533.27
England 75 110.88 185.88 85 260.14 345.14 531.02
India 70 116.21 186.21 90 319.74 319.74 505.95
Scotland 30 105.59 135.59 65 268.5 333.5 469.09
Malawi 70 138.24 208.24 85 169.22 254.22 462.46
New Zealand 60 160.25 220.25 40 192.3 232.3 452.55
Uganda 70 104.18 174.18 85 168.99 253.99 428.17
Samoa 35 145.2 180.2 40 203.12 243.12 423.32
South Africa 65 108.55 173.55 20 220.92 240.92 414.47
Nthn Ireland 65 110.55 175.55 35 202.42 237.43 412.98
Nigeria 85 148.3 233.3 40 138.63 178.63 411.93
Jamaica 55 97.99 152.99 70 188.53 258.53 411.52
Malta 60 102.98 162.98 50 189.01 239.01 401.99
Jersey 50 111.43 161.43 90 148.4 238.4 399.83
Bahamas 50 109.73 159.73 70 162.73 232.73 392.46
Barbados 75 74.8 149.8 80 158.03 238.03 387.83
Tonga 50 105.69 155.69 75 154.85 229.85 385.54
Canada 55 99.3 154.3 35 187.1 227.1 381.4
Zambia 90 99.8 189.8 50 123.7 177.7 367.5
Australia 20 166.77 186.77 20 131.02 151.02 337.79

Commonwealth Art Exhibition

We hope you all enjoyed visiting our Commonwealth Art Exhibition.  We all loved seeing our art on display in such a professional display.  The art work was of a stunning standard and visiting the exhibition really put us in the mood for the big event in the summer.

Miss Russell, Mrs Lang, Ms Castro and I have chosen a set of 6 pictures to order for the school to keep and display as a lasting memento of of our festivities to celebrate the games coming to Glasgow.

Well done everyone.