P5 Stick Debate

Listening and talking

P5 Stick Debate

We had a Stick Debate this afternoon; an activity that let us give our thoughts, ideas and opinions on an issue. It made us think carefully about what we would like to say and how best to express it. It encouraged us to practice not only our active-listening skills but also to add constructively to what someone had previously said.

A stick debate means that everyone in the group gets an equal chance to talk and to share opinions.

Each person got three (lollipop) sticks before we started our discussion. Every time someone spoke, s/he handed in a stick. Once our three sticks were used, we could not speak anymore. This made us think carefully about what we would like to say and to try to communicate effectively. We were encouraged to use all our sticks.

Some of the issues we discussed were:

  • Should teachers be replaced by computers?
  • Is handwriting important?
  • Does money buy you happiness?

We had fun listening to each others opinions and trying to change people’s minds!