Category Archives: STEM

STEM by Lee




On Tuesday  21st May  we had a STEM workshop with Emma.  At first we watched a video  about not throwing away plastic because it affects wildlife and the air. Then  we spoke about jobs and more, and how ROVs can clean salmon cages. After that we went into the canteen and tried programing Lego mind storm robots. I was in a pair  with Joe but our robot didn’t  work so we got a new one and it worked.

First we  had to try and make our robot move in a square but we couldn’t do it, it was tricky to programme the robots with the Ipads! Then we had to put a piece of Lego ( our ‘plastic rubbish’) under some chairs with the  arms on the robot, we kept working at it and we did it! We enjoyed the workshop.

Poetry Workshop

Following on from the visit to the “Natural Selection” exhibition at the old AHS, performance artist Gordon Douglas came to visit the school last Thursday to lead workshops with P4 – S2.

Primary pupils listened to some poetry and created their own poems by cutting out words from existing poems.

As part of the same Art project, artist Jono Sandilands will be visiting after the Easter break and using some kind of sound carrying paint, which sounds very interesting!



Red Nose Day

Our school have been raising money for Red Nose Day by wearing something red and buying a Red Nose for £2.

We have been learning about Farhad and his life. He was born in Afghanistan but moved to Iran because there was a war and it was not safe. A man smuggled him and his family to Serbia and he had to throw his bag into the sea because it was going to sink.

Farhad is living in a refugee camp with is family and money from Red Nose Day is helping him and others to have a better life.

Here we are with our red clothes and noses.

digestive system


Digestive System Experiment by Leanna and Ella

We are learning about the digestive system.

We had to do an  experiment on the digestive system.

First we got a plastic bag and put the banana in it then we put 3 cream crackers, orange juice and water. This was the stomach. Then we had to squish it all together. Next we had to cut the end of the bag and poured it into tights. This was the small intestine. Then we had to squish the contents through the tights. This is it going through the small intestine. Next we cut the toe off the tights and put it in a cup with a hole in the bottom. This is the large intestine. Then we squished it through with a plastic cup. That was supposed to be the faeces coming out of the anus. That was are last step.


Keeping Active

Health and Well Being

We have been looking at why we need to be active as part of our Health and Wellbeing this term.

We know that being active helps us to become strong and healthy.

We know that moving counts as exercise and we could name lots of activities we do outside or at the Leisure Centre: for example, swimming, football, and playing in the play-park.

This week we were looking at types of exercise we could do in a small space. We made a list that included star jumps, jogging on the spot, and hopping.

We wanted to find out how many of each exercise we could do in a minute, so we needed to use stopwatches and count.

We also wanted to look at what happened to our bodies after doing a minute of each exercise – we discovered that our faces go red, we can start to ‘pech’,we can become thirsty, hungry and tired!


We are active!