Tag Archives: tiling

P4 Outdoor Maths



Today the P4s got together to complete some maths work outside. We worked in pairs and we had a sheet with lots of different questions on it.

Firstly we had to find right angles, and shapes in our environment,next  we had to time how long it took us to walk around the school – then estimate how long it would take us to walk round three times.

We also had to work out some fractions and find examples of tiling and symmetry.

We had to measure using strides and hand spans – we worked out that our answers were different because we have different sizes of hands and strides.

It was interesting to try to use our maths skills in different places, some of the questions we found quite easy but others were more tricky. We were glad that we were working in pairs this time!              



By Joe Reid

We did tessellation. I like  it, you are not  allowed to overlap,  its tricky because you have to draw a line up the paper then cut the line and sellotape  it back together.

Next you add  another zigzag line and cut it too and  sellotape  it again. You have to draw around it on paper and  fill the entire page.

It’s tricky to begin with and  then it gets easier.  You  can not leave any white on the paper.  You can do it with any kind of paper.

Its very fun


In our co-operative groups we made a tessellation instruction poster and gave it to P6/7 to see if they could follow them. They gave us feedback about our posters and gave us scores on Attractiveness, what you need and method. We think they enjoyed making tessellations.