7A’s August Outdoor Adventure

Primary 7a were lucky enough to enjoy a fantastic day of canoeing and coasteering at Cunningsburgh. Pete Richardson challenged the class to try new things and experience nature in the wild. Pupils even spotted neesicks playing not far from the shore. It was an excellent day of teamwork and challenge, which pupils thoroughly enjoyed.

Goodbye Primary 7

Primary 7 have had a busy last week at Sound. They started the week at the football and netball tournament. Netballers came second overall and our footballers made it to the quarter finals.

Later in the week they had their leavers assembly where their parents were treated to drumming, singing and poems.

Good luck at the AHS and we’ll miss you all.


It’s an absolutely glorious day of sunshine in Dundee and we are enjoying our visit to the Discovery. We have been learning about the Race to the South Pole before we came away on our trip.

22,000 steps!

Today marks the last full day in Edinburgh for our Primary 7s. Although there is some deliberation we have managed to clock up around 22,000 steps today alone.

Our day began with a visit to the castle by walking up the royal mile, where we got the best ice cream, we then made our way through the grass market to Grey Friars Bobby. As we have plenty of Harry Potter fans some of us went looking for Tom Riddles grave in the Grey Friars Kirk Yard – we then went back in time at dynamic Earth before finally going climbing and to Cosmos for dinner and one too many jalapeño pepper… don’t ask!

We are packed, ready and excited for our last day on Friday – Discovery Dundee and then SHOPPING!! 

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