Tag Archives: workshop

African Drumming Workshop

On Tuesday 3rd November we went on a school trip with the primary 6/7s to an African drumming workshop at the Scalloway Primary School. There were two guys that took the workshop Bruce Ncube, he was from Zimbabwe and Seckou Keita, he was from Senegal. Joy Duncan from Shetland was also there. Hamnavoe and Scalloway  primary 4-7 attended the workshop too. We got numbered because there was a lot of people so we had to take turns to play the drums. They taught us how to play them which was great.  When we were drumming the floor vibrated. We sung a song – some of the words were: Zebelay Zebelay zebelay, cocowah, cocowah. We had our break in the games hall. The boys played football, we had a game Tingwall vs Hamnavoe – we won 4-3.  This was a fun workshop, we really enjoyed it!