Tag Archives: enjoyment

Teagan’s Imaginative story

We had to write a story about a secret door, this is my story.

The secret woods

One day three kids Jack, Katy and Rose are brother and sister. Katy and Rose are twins and they went exploring in the woods one day. In the woods they found a magic door in a tree they tried opening it but it was locked. Later that day the kids found a key under the welcome mat, the welcome mat is at the door at door of the house. They thought hard of what it was for but then they remembered it might be for the door in the tree. Later that night Jack, Katy and Rose sneaked out of the house and went to the woods with the key and put it in the key hole to see if it would fit. It did then it turned all by it’s self like magic and then it sucked the kids in the door.  When they opened their eyes they were standing in a magic world. They saw little animals walking around on two legs and SPEAKING! It was like a magic animal land. The next day the kids said goodbye to there new friends and they want to go exploring more in the woods and find more doors.

Ruby Duncan’s imaginative story

The Toilet Door

We get on  the plane and go to our seats. It is very noisy because a baby is crying. I sit down in my seat. “Can I go to the toilet Mam before the plane takes off?” I ask Mam. “Yes” says Mam. So I walk up to the bathroom. I notice the door is sparkling and shining, flashing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I look around. No-one else seemed to notice it. I ask a lady sitting in one of the back seats. “Why is that door shining?” I ask. “It’s not shining! Don’t be silly!” Laughs the lady. Hmm. So it’s only me that can see it. I wonder about opening the door. I pull the handle. No it’s locked. But I see a gold glittery key lying on the ground. I pick it up and unlock the door. Just as I enter the bathroom I notice something. The toilet has grown eyes, a mouth, a nose and arms! I’m scared. Suddenly the toilet stretches out his arms. He pulls me into the toilet head first. I taste dirt. I hear air whooshing past. I feel terrified. I see green and blue and white. I smell different things. Suddenly there’s a huge BANG. I look around. There is dirt everywhere and it’s damp and it smells weird. I figure out I’m in the drain. I hear a little tapping noise. A yellow minion wearing dungarees stands next to me. “Ello!” Says the minion. “I Bob! Me Minion!” He squeaks. “I stuck! I stuck!” He yells. Then I see a huge black shadow approaching… “Bob hide!” I hiss. Bob runs behind a rock. The shadow is growing bigger. And bigger. AND BIGGER! I scream as I see what’s making the shadow. An old lady with white hair, golden glasses, wearing a knitted pink scarf and a red cardigan and a black skirt. I gasp. She is holding a tray of brownies which have a sign on them saying DO NOT EAT. “Would you like a brownie?” Asked the old lady. I wasn’t sure if I should eat one. They looked so good but they said DO NOT EAT on them… I took one. I tasted it. It was delicious. BANG. The lady was gone. Oh no… I think. BANG. I’m starting to shrink! I look at my hands. They’ve turned yellow! I’ve turned into a minion. “Bob!” I shout. “Look! I’m a minion!” Bob comes running towards me. “I know how to escape!” Yells Bob. He shows me a ladder going up out of the drain. The ladder is very tall and rusty but me and Bob climb up. But just as we’re nearly at the top… Bob slips! I catch him though and we escape out of the drain. We get on to the street. I spot a plane flying overhead. It must be the plane I was on! “We have to hurry Bob!” I say.  But Bob has already run into a huge building. “Bob wait!” I shout. But he’d already run into the building. I wait for about ten minutes. People are starting to stare at me and they say “Oh look a minion!”. Just then Bob appeared again. He was holding two jet packs. We put them on. And we zoomed up to the plane. We went in. My parents didn’t even notice I’d gone. I had turned back into a human again! “Who’s this minion?” Asked Mam. “My pet Bob” I said. “OK” said Mam.

The end.