Category Archives: Topic

Myths and Legends around the world



Today we got into groups of 3 and 4 to begin researching different myths and legends around the world. We are gong to present our findings to the rest of the class next week. Each group was given a different country to look at and we have to find at least 3 different myths/legends that belong to that country. We decided in our groups how we were going to present our findings, most of the groups decided to make Power-points but there are a few posters being made. We have been looking through books and searching the internet to find our information. We discussed copyright and now know how to narrow our search on Google images to know which photos we can use and which ones we cannot.

Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends

Tingwall Times

We have been looking at newspapers and the features of a newspaper during literacy. We learned about:

  • Headlines,
  • Orientation,
  • Pictures and captions
  • The main text – has paragraphs, written in past tense and in columns
  • Reorientation

After spending time looking through newspapers and identifying the different features we planned our own newspaper reports. First we had to agree on a name for our newspaper! We came up with lots of ideas to begin with, before having a secret vote to decide on one. We all closed our eyes and put our hand up for which name we wanted. Tingwall Times was the winner!

Our report was about a Mythological creature being spotted in Tingwall/Shetland, we got to choose which creature we wanted to write about. Then after we had written our plan Miss Nicholson showed us how to use Microsoft Word to write a newspaper, using columns, adding a heading, making the font bold and adding a box for our picture and caption. Half the class used the laptops to type their reports whilst the other half wrote them on paper. We are creating a front cover for our Tingwall Times just now.

Topic – Legends

Along with the mythological creatures we read and discussed these legends as a class;

  • Pandoras box,
  • Theseus and the Minotaur,
  • Hercules,
  • King Midas,
  • Romulus and Remus,
  • Orpheus and Eurydice,
  • The story of Annigan – We created our own myth as to why there are different moon phases after reading this.
  • The Hero Twins and Atalanta and the Wild Boar – We created our own heroes/heroines after reading these legends. We thought about a name, their special skills, any weaknesses, a quest they had to go on and any difficult tasks they had to perform. Some of us drew a picture of what we thought our Hero/Heroine would look like.

Mythological Creatures

Our topic this term is Myths and Legends.

We paired up and researched mythological creatures using different sources (books and the internet – although some pairs couldn’t find any information they were looking for in the books) The creatures we researched/discussed were:

  • gorgon
  • Cyclops
  • Phoenix
  • Trolls
  • Hydra
  • Griffon
  • Quetzacoatl
  • Medusa
  • Minotaur
  • Cerberus
  • Scylla
  • Harpies
  • Chimaera
  • Mermaids
  • Fairies
  • Leprechauns

After looking at all the different creatures and what they looked like, special features and weaknesses, we created our own. We drew a picture of what they looked like and wrote a little bit about them. They are currently on our wall for all to see.