Category Archives: Confident Individuals

space posters

Today we presented our space posters that we made in groups with p67.There was 10 groups. When we were making our posters then at the start the youngest person had to pick a envelope. In side the envelopes there was names of planets. There was:

the sun,




the Moon,






I think we all had a lot of fun



Cooperative learning with P6/7

We have been working with P6/7 as part of our topic, Space. Their topic is space too.  On Wednesday the 3rd we started working with them. All the P6/7s came in to our classroom and we got put into groups. Then Miss Morrison explained what we were going to do. Each of the  groups had to make a poster about a planet. It had to be very colourful and have lots of information. One person from each group had to pick an envelope and inside it would tell  us which planet we were going to be researching. My group did the Sun. We each had a different role. There was 2 Head Researchers, 1 Head Illustrator and  1 Head Writer. We had to look in books for information first then after about 20 minutes we were allowed to look on computers. We didn’t get much done on the actual poster but it was good because we got together again on Monday and worked on our posters. Today before lunch P6/7 came through because we were going to show our posters to the class. We were allowed 5 minutes in our groups to decide who was going to present the poster.  My group The Sun went first. Our poster looked really good. After that, all the other groups went. All the posters looked really good! I really enjoyed working with P6/7.

Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad visits Tingwall

We all gathered down at the Tingwall hall after dinner. The Jarl squad were a little late coming but we didn’t mind as it was exciting waiting for them.  There were pupils from our school in the jarl squad so it must have been very exciting for them. We were excited to see them and what they would be wearing. The Jarl Squad came in and sang the Up Helly Aa song followed by their own song. We game the Jarl and his squad 3 cheers and presented them with a gift. They gave the school a gift of a copy of their shields and each pupil in the school got a badge with the design of their shield on it. It was very nice of them. After this we got to go mingle with the Vikings and try on their helmets and hold their axes and shields. It was good fun! We had a great afternoon!

Show and tell

Over the past few days the children have brought in a few of their achievements, items they treasure or models that they have made which we would like to share on our blog.

Instrumental Concert

We had an instrumental concert this morning. The whole school gathered in the dinning hall to hear them.  There were a lot of pupils from P5-7 performing songs for us, there were a lot of Christmas songs that we could sing along with. There were people playing the fiddles, a flute, a recorder, the piano and the guitar.

They all did a fantastic job of performing in front of the whole school! Well done to everyone who took part.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We have been extremely busy this term. We are rehearsing for our play which is the 12 days of Christmas. We have also made Christmas decorations to decorate the Tingwall hall. It looks great! Primary 2/3 made Christmas baubles, they made a great job of them. We will try to take pictures of the hall if we can to show you. Here is some of the decorations we made.

Merry Christmas Santy Reindeer Christmas TreeChristmas Crafts

We also made a snowman out of cups (we’re not sure how many we used but there must be over a 200 hundred!) We haven’t had time to make his hat yet but we thought he was too fragile to take down to the hall so he sits in our classroom instead! 🙂 Here he is…

Our Snowman

Miss Nicholson brought in an advent calendar so each morning she uses the lolly sticks to see who gets to open the drawer for that day. We’re lucky we have 25 pupils in the class and there is exactly 25 days on the advent calendar.

Advent Calendar


We also have a different kind of advent calendar. Miss Nicholson created a 25 Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. We check this every morning and try to see if we can do them!

25 Random acts of christmas Kindness

One of Santa’s robins has appeared in our classroom to make sure we are being good! He is there one minute and then he disappears sometimes so he must be reporting back to santa! When he comes back he is in a different place so we don’t know where he is all the time.

Santa's robin (2) Santa's robin

African Drumming Workshop

On Tuesday 3rd November we went on a school trip with the primary 6/7s to an African drumming workshop at the Scalloway Primary School. There were two guys that took the workshop Bruce Ncube, he was from Zimbabwe and Seckou Keita, he was from Senegal. Joy Duncan from Shetland was also there. Hamnavoe and Scalloway  primary 4-7 attended the workshop too. We got numbered because there was a lot of people so we had to take turns to play the drums. They taught us how to play them which was great.  When we were drumming the floor vibrated. We sung a song – some of the words were: Zebelay Zebelay zebelay, cocowah, cocowah. We had our break in the games hall. The boys played football, we had a game Tingwall vs Hamnavoe – we won 4-3.  This was a fun workshop, we really enjoyed it!

Myths Around the World

Primary 4/5 have been very busy this past few weeks researching myths and legends around the world. Once they gathered all of their research they created a presentation. They had the choice of how they wished to present their information – most groups chose Power Point, although there were a few groups that chose to have a poster alongside their Power Point. We looked at presentation skills before they presented their work to the rest of the class. There were lots of questions asked after each presentation which sparked great discussion within the class.  A lot of hard work was put into their presentation and it showed! Well done P4/5!