All posts by Miss Nicholson

Mr Rose talks about space

Today Mr Rose came in to talk to us about space. Ā It was very interesting! Here are a few facts we found out:

Barron worked out that 1000 seconds is 16 minutes and 40 seconds. (He worked this out in his head!)

There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy.

We learned a mnemonic to remember the different planets: My Very Elegant Mother Just Spewed Up Nine Pizzas. However this does not include the asteroid belt so he told us of the one he learnt when he was at school: Most Volcanos Erupt Marmalade And Jam Sandwiches Under Normal Pressure. But we like the first one best! šŸ™‚

The sun is about 17-20 million degrees and its not on fire.

The Northern lights happen through the parts coming off the sun and hitting the earths atmosphere.

The planets travel around the sun at different speeds because the closer you are to the sun the less distance you have to travel and the gravitational pull speeds you up. So the closer you are the faster you go. Mr Rose had a powerpoint which showed the speed and direction of the planets orbiting the sun. It was cool to watch.

The half of Mercury that is towards the sun is hot (410Ā ĢŠC) and the other half is cold (-170ĢŠC)

You couldn’t live in VenusĀ because you would be suffocated because its mostly made of carbon dioxide, squashed because the weight of the air would crush you, baked because it is the hottest planet at 460ĢŠCĀ and you would dissolve because of another gas which is very powerful. And it stinks!!!Ā Venus is covered in clouds which keep the heat in, this is why it is so hot.Ā A day on VenusĀ is longer than 1 year.

Mars is very cold.

We really enjoyed his visit and look forward to him coming back next week for another session!

Cooperative learning with primary 6/7

Today we got together with primary 6/7 to do some cooperative learning. We are joining together to start work on our topic of space.

First of all we got into groups, to do this we had to look underneath the tables. Miss Nicholson and Miss Morrison had put pictures to do with space under our desks. There were 8 different pictures so we had to go sit with other people with the same picture as us. Then we were in groups of 4. Half of the groups went through to the primary 6/7 classroom to give us more space.

We each had a different coloured pen in our groups and we had 1 large bit of paper and we had to write down everything we knew about space on this paper. You could see who had wrote what with the colours. We had 12 minutes to do this, Miss Nicholson put a rocket timer on the board, it was fun to watch the rocket go off when the time was up. Then we had to join with another group and discuss our ‘graffiti’. We had a lot of the same things but found a few differences after comparing them.

Finally we paired up with someone from another group to think of questions that we would like to find out through our topic.

We are having Harry Rose come in on Friday to visit and talk about space. We are very excited about this!


Today Miss Nicholson asked us what we knew about animation, we got to watch an animation on youtube and write down everything they had to think about when making this animation. We came up with lots of ideas. She then showed us a few animations that other children in a different school had made. They were really good. We made a list of things you would have to think about if making an animation then Miss Nicholson told us we are going to be making our own animations about space!

We are very excited about this!!

Term 3

We have had a busy first day back! Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to Teagan at the end of term 3 but we would like to welcome Morgan into primary 4/5! We will have to update our class photo now that we are all back.

We hope that 2016 is going to be a fun and exciting year for us in P4/5. This term we are going to be working collaboratively with Primary 6/7 with a joint topic on Space. We are very excited about this topic. We are also hoping to look into animation and make our own animations towards the end of term which we will try to upload onto here for you all to see!

Instrumental Concert

We had an instrumental concert this morning. The whole school gathered in the dinning hall to hear them. Ā There were a lot of pupils from P5-7 performing songs for us, there were a lot of Christmas songs that we could sing along with. There were people playing the fiddles, a flute, a recorder, the piano and the guitar.

They all did a fantastic job of performing in front of the whole school! Well done to everyone who took part.

Visitors to Primary 4/5

We had elves visit our classroom last night, they sent us a sneaky visit of their visit. They left footprints though so we could see where they had been.

They even left us a note!

This is what it said.


The robin appeared in our classroom in the middle of the day when we were singing Christmas carols, it must have been visiting Santa again to tell him how we are getting on.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We have been extremely busy this term. We are rehearsing for our play which is the 12 days of Christmas. We have also made Christmas decorations to decorate the Tingwall hall. It looks great! Primary 2/3 made Christmas baubles, they made a great job of them. We will try to take pictures of the hall if we can to show you. Here is some of the decorations we made.

Merry Christmas Santy Reindeer Christmas TreeChristmas Crafts

We also made a snowman out of cups (we’re not sure how many we used but there must be over a 200 hundred!) We haven’t had time to make his hat yet but we thought he was too fragile to take down to the hall so he sits in our classroom instead! šŸ™‚ Here he is…

Our Snowman

Miss Nicholson brought in an advent calendar so each morning she uses the lolly sticks to see who gets to open the drawer for that day. We’re lucky we have 25 pupils in the class and there is exactly 25 days on the advent calendar.

Advent Calendar


We also have a different kind of advent calendar. Miss Nicholson created a 25 Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. We check this every morning and try to see if we can do them!

25 Random acts of christmas Kindness

One of Santa’s robins has appeared in our classroom to make sure we are being good! He is there one minute and thenĀ he disappears sometimes so he must be reporting back to santa! When he comes back he is in a different place so we don’t know where he is all the time.

Santa's robin (2) Santa's robin

Type ‘Onsie’ day at school

Today everyone wore their onsie or pyjamas to school to help raise money for Type One Diabetes research.

JDRF is the world’s leading funder of vital type 1 diabetes research. We would like to support them so that as many bairns as possible can live life free of this life-long, life threatening condition.

There are 29,000 bairns living with type 1 diabetes in the UK and that includes someone in our school. So to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day (14th of November) we are wearing our onsies! We were supposed to do this last Friday but unfortunately the school was closed due to bad weather.

Here is Primary 45 wearing their onsies

This is the whole school

Even the teachers joined in too!

The pupil council did a great job of organising lots of games for Golden Time. There were: name the reindeer, What time did he wake up, Where’s the penguin, how many sweets in the jar, a couple of tombola’s and a target throwing game. There was an obstacle course too! People brought in home bakes that were delicious!


We ate them at snack and the ones that were left were sold in the afternoon.

We have had great fun today. Well done to the pupil council for organising such a brilliant day!