Stupid spacemen animation

We had to use our topic (space) to create an animation which I did whith Anya and Ashleigh.

Before we could make our animation we had to do a lot of work first. We looked at animations and what went into making them. Then we got into groups and thought of an idea of what we could do for our animation. We were asked to make a short animation about space and told there had to be at least 3 facts in it. We had to think about the plot, setting, characters, props and the script before making anything. Once we had all of that we got to start making the background, characters and props which was fun. Miss Nicholson showed us the app ZU3D on the Ipad, this is how we filmed our animation. It took a lot of frames to make our animation as we had to make sure there were enough images for our speech. We were the first group to finish our animation.


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