Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad visits Tingwall

We all gathered down at the Tingwall hall after dinner. The Jarl squad were a little late coming but we didn’t mind as it was exciting waiting for them.  There were pupils from our school in the jarl squad so it must have been very exciting for them. We were excited to see them and what they would be wearing. The Jarl Squad came in and sang the Up Helly Aa song followed by their own song. We game the Jarl and his squad 3 cheers and presented them with a gift. They gave the school a gift of a copy of their shields and each pupil in the school got a badge with the design of their shield on it. It was very nice of them. After this we got to go mingle with the Vikings and try on their helmets and hold their axes and shields. It was good fun! We had a great afternoon!

2 thoughts on “Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad visits Tingwall”

  1. The Jarl squads look great. I’d never heard of ‘Jarl squads’ before. Are they visitors to your school? Are some pupils in Jarls squads.
    Looks like a very exciting day, some of the Vikings look quite cheerful and perhaps not as frightening as I though!

    Happy Blogging:-)

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